Sensation Seeking


Thrill and adventure seeking - you score 10 out of 10

Experience seeking - you score 10 out of 10

Disinhibition - you score 7 out of 10

Boredom susceptibility - you score 7 out of 10

Your total sensation seeking score is 34 out of 40

I seem to have done a lot of the “I would like trys” aswell

this one really threw me as i was getting more and more convinced that i was indeed fast becoming a boring old fart while doing the test

according to the other one, i’m an ‘innovator’, which sounds like the title of a reality TV-show hosted by Richard Branson

Thrill and adventure seeking - you score 8 out of 10

Experience seeking - you score 4 out of 10

Disinhibition - you score 1 out of 10

Boredom susceptibility - you score 3 out of 10

Your total sensation seeking score is 16 out of 40

and the next part:

Your answers suggest you are a Realist

total scor 34 of 40

Thrill and adventure seeking - you score 9 out of 10
This consists of items expressing desires to engage in sports or activities involving some physical danger or risk such as mountain climbing, parachute jumping, scuba diving, speeding in a car, etc.

Experience seeking - you score 9 out of 10
This descibes the desire to seek new experiences through the mind and senses by living in a nonconforming life style with unconventional friends, and through travel.

Disinhibition - you score 6 out of 10
This describes the need to disinhibit behaviour in the social sphere by drinking, partying and seeking variety in sexual partners.

Boredom susceptibility - you score 3 out of 10
This indicates an aversion for repetitive experience of any kind, routine work, or even dull or predictable people. Other items indicate a restless reaction when things are unchanging.

Your total sensation seeking score is 27 out of 40

The disinhibition part of the test is pretty skewed for people who aren’t married. Us married folk end up looking like pigs, or homophobes, and I’m neither. Just open to people of all walks of life. Plus, given my life experience with rebellious experimentation, I score higher than if I discount my past. I’m a pretty straight-laced guy these days. Just like to stretch my physical and mental limits now and again. Oh well, I bit and took the test.
