senior skipday/pranks?


thtas not a prank thats vandalism, but it was funny nonetheless

Absolutely! I was even born on a Friday 13th.

Peek-a-boo. I see you!

Vandalism is funny? :thinking:

I guess shooting oranges with a water balloon slingshot at the cast iron mascot on top of the auditorium could be considered vandalism too… :wink:



my brother is a senior… and hes skipped like twice


Really Stupid Senior Prank.

And to think in Jr. Hi. we once considered trying to get X-Lax into a teachers coffee. Kids these days.

One time we burnt the school down.;
pranks are bad.

one weekend (about 10 years ago) some people broke into our school and disasembled a VW bug and completly reasembled it in our gym before monday morning. they mention it every year at the biggining of the year assembily. I don’t know if it was seniors or not but it sure sounds funny.

my school north penn was on the mtv prankshow for forking the cortyard

The Sienors at my school this year somehow set a cow loose on the second floor in the freshman hall and they knew enough that a cow physically cannot go down stairs. the teachers still haven’t been able to coax the cow to the elevator, I am pretty sure this won’t work though because the seniors probably measured the cow to be sure it won’t fit I’ll post again when they figure out how to get the cow out.

Where would you get a cow other than stealing it from a farm?

you could buy one and with the amount of seniors at my school they would only each have to pay $1.25 if everyone helped

Hah our school did that a couple years ago except we don’t have an elevator, we have also put our bleechers on the roof a couple times, planted trees in the football field and a few other good ones. Damn that reminds me I gotta get working on our prank.

about five years ago a couple people planted backpacks full of crickets in places in the gym during exams so that after about 15 minutes into the exam a swarm of crickets quickly covered the room

i dunno how relevant this is, but a few years ago the seinors at our school on muck up day filled the part of the vending machine that you drink fals into with black paint, so every time someone bought somethign froma vendy it was covered in paint

In past years at my old school the grade 12 students (‘seniors’, I guess) stole a bunch of traffic cones and council uniforms and re-directed main road traffic through the school…with the gates closed on the other side of the school, I believe.

what school did you go to Andrew?

the other year the year 12’s at my school hooked up 6 car batteries to the metal urinal we have, so whenever you took a piss you would get a major zap.

Brisbane Boys’ College…one of those snobby private schools.