okk…moving into way smaller house need to get rid of stuff and seems i havent ridden my unis for 8 months they they need to go and also need money for new moto…i have for sale…one nimbus bc wheel,great condition, few scratches on the plates from being dropped was virtually new and hardly ridden 130 o.n.o…nimbus 2 freestyle blue edition,sqaure taper hub,blue rim,blue primo the wall tyre brand new ridden on 3 times,gold snafu seat clamp,125mm quax alloy cranks 137mm also included and some steel 89s and blue hamilton plastics one is slightly bent very good condition 150 o.n.o…viscount uni standard round crown frame 175mm cranks i put on for fun…vee rubber slick,black double bolt seat clamp,viscount seat 40 o.n.o…ok and i also have a gold ukai bmx rim laced to a sqaure taper hub…and other rims if wanted can have for free…dont want to get rid of this stuff but its one or the other and im afraid ive gotten into dirt bikes now…veiwing and pickup in adelaide or buyer to arrange courier etc i am happy to drop at post office or wherever…best to email me on
red_demons11@hotmail.com…thanx adam