Seen any good movies? TV series?

As far as TV series goes, I’m working my way thru the first season of Big Love, about this polygamist with 3 wives. Uggh, that’s a LOT of work! I like the show.

I recently enjoyed the movies The Wrestler. and The Reader. w000t!

I thought when Mickie Rourke cut his finger at the Deli Counter, it was all wrestling theatrics, like who ends up with a blood covered face when they cut their finger. I love the character and his dramatics!

I recently saw the Wrestler and I also though it was a good movie. The part with the staples was crazy!

For TV series: EUReKA (SciFi original series) is excellent. Definitely a good show if you’re into science. I’m also a huge fan of LOST and House M.D. I’ve been trying (and failing) to keep up with Heroes. I need to wait until the current season comes out on DVD and get back into it.

As you may be aware, the series that HBO / Showtime put out are of far better quality than what you see on cable.

I’ve watched every season of Rome, Dexter, Six Feet Under and Deadwood, and would watch all of 'em again in a heartbeat. Classics, every one of 'em.

Good old Trailor Park Boys.

Beat Matt to it.

And I hope it gets picked up and turned into a full show, although this weeks epsiode(March Madness) was a pretty weak showing. Next weeks “Spring Break” should be pretty good.

Star Trek was pretty fun, and tomorrow I’m seeing the documentary, Tyson.

Adult Swim, Nitro Circus, and House. Thats about all I watch for series.

The odd ghost hunters/paranormal show ill watch too, but mainly the tv is on for background noise. Room feels kind of weird without any noise.

For movies, I liked Wolverine, and theres a few more coming out that I want to see. I love you Beth Cooper, The Hangover, and a few more.

I just saw Star Trek, but I can’t talk about that here.

Okay, it’s been several hours and nobody has corrected Maestro? HBO/Showtime better than cable? Hello…

Jacquie and I really like Medium and Heroes. And we miss Boston Legal. For movies, The Soloist was very nice, especially if you know/work with people with mental disorders. Very well done!

And the Star Trek movie, though it had its holes (saving that for the appropriate thread).


The Tv series we’ve been following are Fringe, Lost, Chuck, and Heroes. I also get a kick out of The Big Bang Theory.

my pick dexter,hero’s and big bang theory

The best series:

  • Herous
  • lost and prison break (sometimes)
  • house!!
  • CSI
  • and some Belgium series :stuck_out_tongue:

-american pie
-davinci code
-high school musical
-movies with jackie chan
-bullet proof monkey


I just saw the tripple feature by Michel Gondry, Leos Carax, and Bong Joon-ho called Tokyo!

It was pretty much awesome.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Leos Carax’s film, but it is possible I just didn’t understand it properly. The other two were great though!

I think the best T.V series has to be scrubs.

its pretty much all the T.V i watch

Flight of the Conchords for TV
I like Wes Anderson’s films a lot, I also saw Waking Life recently, which was very interesting and well done.

I also love Dexter and House.

Who thinks Dr. House is really a nice person (I do!), even though he doesn’t smile?

Who thinks Dexter is really a nice person?


I haven’t seen a decent movie since The Wrestler. I dread summer blockbuster season cause my wife makes me see them. I don’t wanna see Star Trek but I’m gonna hafta. I was looking forward to Terminator Salvation but the ads look crappy. Fortunately X-Men Origins: Tangerine will have come and gone before we get around to seeing it.

I rented Baby Snakes and I’m looking forward to popping that in the DVD player.

I like the TV show, The Reaper. Love Survivor. Of course I like House. Who doesn’t?

I’m looking forward to the remake of The Graduate starring Jake Gyllenhaal, Kat Dennings, and Nicole Kidman. That’s gonna rock!

I’m really looking forward to Angels and Demons!:smiley: The book was better than Da Vinci Code, which was crazy good too. Anyone else excited to see it??

Has anyone else been watching Breaking Bad from AMC? If you’re into Dexter, Weeds, The Riches and other ShowTime style shows then I heartily recommend it.

Just make sure you’ve got a few hours to kill, it’s one of those shows that you can watch back-to-back.