You’re an idiot. That could be a real picture of the person. Say that is DK (it’s not, and sorry for using you as an example). He posts a pic of himself juggling. You’ve never seen him before. He could post a pic of himself in front of the screen. It proves nothing. A third party telling you he is real proves a lot.
no no no, because dk or someone else could just be using some pic he dug up on the net or a cousin or something.
THAT IS ME im not lying. I will try to get u a pick of me unicycling and doing something else in front of that screen. believe obie. and if shadowuni ever is on i will have him tell you it is me.
It could just be me…
to keep your brother from trolling our forums, log off of every time you sign out of the computer.
thats what i have started doing thank you.
if anyone can juggle while on the unicycle post a pic of them doing it. thats the new topic for this thread
I can juggle.
I thought the fake alias thing was old and forgotten?
This is the most mind-numbing thing I’ve ever read…
Why did I read it all?
yeah that came out a little bit big sorry
i feel another tyler cox?
yay, I’m game for this MR wannabe craziness. Although I would normally say you couldn’t do it, check out some of the original posts in the official MR.
O yea, MERCYME, even though I believe you are who you say you are, just post a pic of you with a paper that says something like “hi” on it and then we’ll know it’s really you.
Okay, uhmm yeah the pictures come rare, becuse i have no digital camera, that picture was taken by someone else. I will try and get one, and wats up with the tylercox thing, and stuff like that
I have a green L.L. Bean back pack too! (if thats what that is)
I think that if probally the most common back pack. At my school i would guess that 19/20 kids have LL bean back packs (actually made by 3M I belive)
YEAH green LL bean alright (forest green to be exact) initials on the back mmmmhmmm i love those packs. 3M really?