There are videos of many of the different mounts on Leo’s Standard Skills page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the mounts. There’s a video of the side mount there that shows what it looks like.
There is a good description of how to do a side mount here: Side Mount.
I like the pickup mount also, but what exactly is the swing-up mount? I read the discription on, but I still can’t visualize it.
Also, I just invented a cool variation on the pickup mount. Set the unicycle in the seat drag in back position and stand over it with the frame between your legs, holding the wheel with one hand. Then put one foot on the down pedal and kick the frame up with your free foot, catch the frame, put the other foot on the correct pedal and ride of seat in back. Is there an official name for this mount?
> The thing with the suicide mount is that you have to let go of the
> unicycle before you start your jump.
Do you mean let go of seat, then bend legs, spring upwards, etc.?
I don’t really think about it too much, but I probably let go just
before my feet leave the ground. The unicycle mounts page says “let
go AND jump” [emphasis mine], not “let go THEN jump”. Am I cheating
or not?
i think ‘cheating’ is a bit strong
but unless u let go of the uni b4 u jump, u’re not doing a suicide
it’s easy to tell the difference, if u’re not a lil’ bit petrified, it’s not a suicide mount
I can’t say you’re cheating because that is still a legal free jump mount. You can see a short video clip of a free jump mount at Leo’s site: standard mounts. Scroll down to near the bottom of the page to see the mounts. The video shows a legal free jump mount.
I hold the suicide mount to a higher standard even though the free jump mount and suicide mount are considered the same. See GILD’s description for the difference. For the suicide mount I like to see the release exaggerated to make it very very obvious that you have let go of the unicycle before starting the jump. That means release, pause, jump.
If I was doing levels testing I would consider the mount as done in Leo’s video a legal free jump mount. If you were trying to show off and impress me I’d have to consider it a poorly executed suicide mount and no dice.
I don’t like doing what I consider a true suicide mount. It scares me. I usually do what I consider a free jump mount, but I’m also well aware of the difference and that I’m wimping out.