Seagull Whisper

Ok here it is, i know everyone has been waiting for it, i have finally got around to uploading. Watch me tame the once wild seagull!
i accept tips!Whisper

So tell us the story.

Is it YOU?

Is it injured?

Is it photoshopped?

By the way, you’re not supposed to do that to wild animals.

it is me.

it was not injured.

it is not photoshopped.

we were just walking down the street and it was sitting there, i thought it would be funny to pat it so i tried and it didnt move. it stood there for about 5 min and flew off. twas one of the funniest things ever.

yeah i know i am not supposed to, but could you pass such an opportunity up?

That’s so cool man…I wish I could tame seagulls. I guess I’ve never tried though…

yeah thats a good seagull yes thats a good seagull


cool I cat whisper(then I purr)

dude thats crazy!
how did you do that?


I understand completely.

i bet the second you were out of sight it keeled over and died

You’ve gotta love the upbeat nature and positive outlook of some of the forum members! :roll_eyes:

That’s a really cool video! I’ve never seen a bird act like that.


I can imagine all these seagulls walking into their own little seagull bar and then drinking from their seagull glasses and joking about how they fooled some 16 year old human into thinking he was extraordinary :smiley:

AND (Whatever it had) it’s contagious.

that is insanely insane.

we have a bunch of magpies that we throw food out the window to when it goes stale mainly bread or biscuits and one day we left the door open to let air in and one of em walked in the house and ate my sandwich which i out on the floor so i could get a drink.


goats this aint mr

You very well may be on to something.
We have wierd seagulls here, there is a man, named seagull man, who rides he’s bike around whilst a seagull sits on his head and then a large flock of the same birds follow him around. It really is quite odd and he always has bird shit on his back


i will try and get a photo. He is normally only around when i am at school though. i always see him from like my car or the bus as i go past. he once came to the skate park but alas did no tricks.