First thing is that I’m not a regular of this international forum so if my threat is not at the right place, please let me know.
I come from France and I’d like to have some advice from Scottish people.
I intend to come next summer to Scotland to do a unicycle trek trip.
I already experienced that in Sweden that summer (see this treat in the French forum : here (sorry it’s not English but at least the pictures don’t need words ). Conclusion is : 180 km trip, 35km on the unicycle and the rest pushing the unicycle…
Despite of this, no regrets. But this year, I would like to be able to ride much more than I walk.
So I’m calling for Scottish people, holidaymakers in Scotland, and why not, trekkers that did a part of Scotland on a uni in the past.
The perfect trip would be :
-200 to 350 km
-accommodation (and pub!) each night to avoid carrying to much weight (tent …)
-no rain (no I’m kidding ! )
-most important : offroad but ridable trails (80% ridable or more) with a 24".
I’ve seen some trips but I don’t know a lot about them : here or here for example
One last thing : if you are interested in joining that trip, welcome to my stupid idea !
I know good routes in Scotland but not epic trails longtrails that you are looking for.
I’ve done the first few stages of the Southern Upland way (on foot) and it’s just not unicycling territory. It would be very challenging as the stages can be long and remote. You don’t pass many big towns. It’s hard to stock up on foor or what not. You can camp along most stages but it would be wild camping. I don’t think it’s possible to stay in a B and B or hotel everynight unless you did massive distances some days.
West Highland Way would probably be more appropriate for a unicyclist but I’ve not done any of it at all.
On your advice Unigamer, I will definiteley not investigate more on the Southern upland way, I once experienced too hard ways and my hands still hurt due to pushing my uni …
Maybe another option would be several smaller trails, with trains or buses between the different stages. Preparations of such a trip would be for sure more complicated, but maybe that’s the better way to enjoy good unicling.
So, if you know some trails of a few days, even one day, I’d like to hear about it !
To wobbling bear :
Je ne comprends pas que tu ne penses pas avoir le niveau. J’ai eu l’occasion de rouler avec toi et je ne me rappelle pas t’avoir vu à la traîne la langue pendante ! Pour ma part je suis loin d’avoir un niveau exceptionnel et si j’aime tant ce genre d’expériences c’est avant tout pour prendre le temps de me poser au milieu de nulle part et de profiter des paysages. Sur le Kungsleden je suivais de près ma vitesse moyenne au cours de mes étapes mais uniquement pour être sûr de ne pas arriver trop tard aux refuges. J’avais choisi un parcours avec des étapes courtes (environ 20km) pour avoir le temps de traîner en chemin.
Je cherche des compagnons de route qui auraient la même vision d’un trek, la performance ne m’intéresse absolument pas.
Autrement dit je serais sincèrement ravi que tu fasses partie du groupe (si groupe je trouve) !
tour of the cairngorms -
That looks great with most on singletrack and in remote places. 2 problems: not sure you can find accomodation along the way (suitable for unicycling distances…) and it is not a loop.
around fort williams -
This is Scotland’s MTB Mecqua! Specialised in downhills but this particular circuit seems to be XC. Worth checking and it might be easier to find accomodation. It is also a loop and easily accessible by train from Glasgow or Edinburgh.
There are endless possibilities in Scotland. But as Unigamer suggested, accomodation might be an issue, so good planning is required!
For single day trips, I don’t know where best to go! Where I am (North-East), I know enough trails to keep you occupied for 3-5 days, but maybe not for 2 weeks!
You might want to search the 7 stanes centres. These are 7 MTB centers with lots of great trails. But they are popular, man-made trails for the most part. Great riding with lots of options, but not as remote as you might want.
Tiens moi au courant - j’aimerais bien te rejoindre pour 1 ou 2 etapes!
I dont know if you are still looking, but i’ll let u know anyway.
Look up “the west highland way” and “the great glen way” u can do both together and that may be long enough. i think u could ride most of the way!!