Thats pretty k0re.
My friends and I SCOOT’R DIE!
Speaking of scooter riding, this guy is incredible.
What I was thinking exactly!
Me and my freinds used to try to think up differnet tricks and stuff on skooters, we made a bunch of ramps and stuff, but we were never that good. if there had been any skate parks around we might have gotten alot better.
I find extreme scooter riding boring.
before i found out about trials unicycling i did that… highest i ever got though was like 3 feet… i didnt get too far into it
it looks strange, why would anyone want to do such extreme stunts on such a weird thing like a scooter. i mean unicycling at least dosnt look rediculous.
Those stupid scooters with the tiny wheels SUCK. We used to do big jumps and stuff on those scooters with 12" pneumatic tires. I broke like 2 scooters…
granted, we bought like 3 at a garage sale for $15.
Although a friend of mine has friends that do extreme scootering, and one guy tailwhipped a 9 set !
EDIT: Nevermind, I just watched the second movie.
Are the people in the second movie from Ketchikan Alaska by any chance?
THIS guy is way better. He does a sectouple tailwhip (tailwhip 6 times around), vert ramps, and of course, the no footed backflip.
Yeah, I actually saw that one after I posted the first one. They’re both insane!