Scientificulous: The Documentary

Bill Maher tackled some ridiculous religious beliefs (though he probably should have left the Catholics out, 'cuz they laugh right along with him).

In Bill’s next Mockumentary, he tackles the ridiculous beliefs held by the foremost scientists. Beliefs that simply defy logic, yet otherwise educated humans have blind faith in such beliefs:

Beliefs about TIME (please specify and enumerate)
Beliefs that particles are passing through your brain and body without your consent or knowledge, right now, as you read this. HA!
Beliefs that an atomic particle can be in two places at once. Get this: But not if it’s being observed! HA!

Add to the list of ridiculous you may have heard scientists believe, and help Bill make his next movie.

And things can be both waves and particles at the same time if they’re small enough.

It doesn’t have to make sense, as long as it gets the job done :slight_smile:

Billy, you’ve got to be careful with the types of revolt you’re looking to incite.

If someone actually disproves the phenomena you’re talking about…

…we may all disappear in a puff of logic.

Or, to put it in terms you’ll better understand: we’ll all be perma-pwned!

Who is Bill Maher? Bill Maher=BTM? Billy, what is your last name?

I’m surprised you didn’t mention evolution. It just doesn’t make any sense logically. Have you ever seen a monkey just turn into a man? No! It’s not possible!

By “gets the job done”, do you mean “advances warfare technology”? :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there any truth to this? I don’t hear Bill railing about scientists on his show much. Or is this just another make-believe BTM thread?

I’m going to go out on a limb here, but I have a feeling Billy thinks that idea is silly, therefore he mocks it.

Who is Bill Maher? Well, he lives inside Google. Type in his name and see what comes up. :slight_smile:

Exactly! Isn’t it wonderful?

Please keep this top secret, for the unicyclists community ONLY. Bill swore me to it.

First of all, I apologize for my mocking tone. I wish to show respect for other people’s beliefs and faiths, even if different from my own. Scientists are entitled to proselytize like any other Faith.

As for the idea of a particle being in two places at once:

The article says: “About 80 years ago, scientists discovered that it is possible to be in two locations at the same time—at least for an atom or a subatomic particle, such as an electron. For such tiny objects, the world is governed by a madhouse set of physical laws known as quantum mechanics. At that size range, every bit of matter and energy exists in a state of blurry flux, allowing it to occupy not just two locations but an infinite number of them simultaneously. The world we see follows a totally different set of rules, of course: There’s just one Oxford University, just one car, just one Penrose. What nobody can explain is why the universe seems split into these two separate and irreconcilable realities. If everything in the universe is made of quantum things, why don’t we see quantum effects in everyday life?”

By the way, if you put “atomic particles two places at once” into Google search, the JC interspirituality thread comes up, thus proving you CAN be in more than one religion at the same time.


Oh, God. Please don’t remind me that the crazy stuff we post here is visible to the outside world. I like to live in the illusion that we are talking privately amongst ourselves…

The 2 slit experiment

Never understood that one myself. I’m not so sure anyone else did either.

Can’t mount a valid assault on that stupid result they got. Please send me lot’s of money so that I can redo the experiment so that it does not have such a stupid result . Uhh ok, don’t bother, google god say’s that reality is that screwy.
The weird experiment has been repeated many times.

It is fundamentally stupid in classic reality-math to state a single point can be in 2 places.

So much for math and common sense in science today.

The observations of experiments is what is driving current visions of how stuff is at tinyville. A place where scientists just accept the results of the 2 slit experiment, with a shrug.

This is not the same as “faith”, as in old books are of divine inspiration.

Rather, the weird 2 slit experiment is a pisser world wide, and if anyone could have explained it by now, they would have. Everyone is stumped a bit by this one.

Scientist are like, high on pot when they do documentaries. Then after some time to wear off, they see the video, and they are like “Oh man, it seemed like great insight at the time.”.

You can’t treat science like a religon, or it’s beliefs lie religious beliefs. Religious beliefs are based on Faith. Scientific beliefs are based on facts and our best current explanation of them. Also, due the scientific method, all scientific beliefs can be disproved at any time if new evidence should arise. Lastly, if there’s a scientific theory you don’t understand, look it up! See what the proof is, how much proof there is, and if there are any alternative explanations.


Come on, Peoples! There are MORE kooky ideas in science


Ha! Good one! Can we interview you for the mockumentary!

You disappoint me. I know science the way B Mahar knows religion, but I came up with

From Wiki: Time: Both Galileo and Newton and most people up until the 20th century thought that time was the same for everyone everywhere. This is the basis for timelines, where time is a parameter. Our modern conception of time is based on Einstein’s theory of relativity, in which rates of time run differently depending on relative motion, and space and time are merged into spacetime, where we live on a world line rather than a timeline. Thus time is part of a coordinate, in this view. Physicists believe the entire Universe and therefore time itself began about 13.7 billion years ago in the big bang. (See Time in Cosmologybelow) Whether it will ever come to an end is an open question. (See philosophy of physics.)

Moving objects therefore are said to show a slower passage of time. This is known as time dilation.

Einstein’s equations predict that time should be altered by the presence of gravitational fields (see the Schwarzschild metric):

Time runs slower the stronger the gravitational field, and hence acceleration, is. The predictions of time dilation are confirmed by particle acceleration experiments and cosmic rayevidence, where moving particles decay slower than their less energetic counterparts. Gravitational time dilation gives rise to the phenomenon of gravitational redshift and delays in signal travel time near massive objects such as the sun. The Global Positioning System must also adjust signals to account for this effect.
According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, a freely moving particle traces a history in spacetime that maximises its proper time. This phenomenon is also referred to as the principle of maximal aging, and was described by Taylor and Wheeler as[19]:

time dilation and the principle of maximal aging.

Who has Faith in this stuff?

You can dip into the Good Book of Physics anywhere to find this stuff. It’s so rich, I can’t make it up!

Billy, does anyone teach classes on how to be like you? I wanna sign up.

There should only be one BTM.

That’s plenty. :slight_smile:

Who else is starting to lose Faith in Science?

I’ll answer that if you tell us if you still beat your wife.

What kind of idiot do you think I am?

and how many kinds of idiot are there altogether, anyway?