Almost every school in my town, and county have been closed today because of snow. But look, only about an inch of snow! why at the first sight of snow does England stop completely!
Its pathetic really.
just out of my bedroom window, there’s barely any snow at all!
So England is scared of snow… good to know muahaha
Well over the water we have a bit of ice but here i am sitting in school.In study all morning to 11.20 so taken it easy catching up on work, sorting things out. However we are meant to have a bad snow shower tonight and if we do, no way im comming into school tomorrow.
Haha, it took about 60 inches of snowfall over here for the schools to finally close down. People said it was the worst winter in a while, but to me I still thought it was nothing. Driving was fine, walking around was fine. The only downside was missing out on a few days of work and having a few stores have their roofs collapse.
Even though its a tiny amount, you can still go out and enjoy it. Hang out with friends and whatnot.
Yeah, a couple of inches and the whole country grinds to a standstill. Heres my car after driving to work this morning.
Wish we had more though, I’d love a foot or so. I MEAN SNOW!
Lack of experience I think. Doesn’t seem to snow often, if at all.
I’m going to make the most of it and try riding my unicycle in the snow. I think it’s the only opportunity to do this for quite a while.
meanwhile australia stuck in their biggest heat wave in 100 years over 40 degrees for the past week
Lol, that’s stupid, it’s just snow. We got very little here on Fraggle Rock, but there was enough to make a couple of snowballs to throw for the dog. It’s the first time he’s seen snow, so he was a tad hyper this morning.
we’re made of sterner stuff here in North Wales. Most of the schools are still open.
Yup, same here
I was having this conversation with a few buddies whilst having a snowball fight en masse. TBH though, I’m not complaining:p
Why can’t we have snow here in Australia.
Just came to Germany Hazmat, here is snow enough
But i like summer with sun much more! The only advantage is that i can glid to school (i’m living on the top of a hill, the school is a little bit under)
yeah its not entirely bad, no school, a longer weekend and a chance to throw harmless balls of snow at people. Its just stupid that everywhere has just stopped. Even the london underground stopped! WHY, ITS UNDERGROUND!!!
Its pathetic really lol
From my experience, two factors:
Timing: If lots of snow is expected, the decision to close the schools is best made some time in advance, or it could cause chaos in the morning, including accidents for people trying to get to a school that’s not even open. So they sometimes have to decide based on a forecast, and not on the actual snow they end up with.
Lack of snow removal equipment. In places that don’t get much annual snowfall, there is less snow removal equipment, which means less ability to make the roads safe in a short amount of time. I grew up in Michigan. Lots of snow every year; lots of plows and sand/salt trucks. Roads are cleared far too quickly/easily to make snow days common. But down in southern Virginia where snowfall is more rare, a little bit of snow brings everything to a halt.
Untreated roads with 1" of snow become extremely slippery, especially depending on the temperature situation. If it snows in the evening while temps are dropping, the stuff on the road gets compressed to ice. Very bad. If it’s in the morning when temps are rising, it may turn to slush and melt away with minimal road danger.
What gets me is how much further northd most of England is compared with Michigan, yet you still get less snow! In any case, enjoy those snow days when you can get them!
Haha, around here, if there’s even an inch of new snow on the ground and you are driving back from work, you may not make it home (that night).
People around here don’t know how to drive in snow. It’s ridiculous.
my mum hates driving in snow… my dad just carries on lol.
Plus gritters had been out for at least a week before the snow… we were told it was coming but nope, its just another day of doing nothing lol.
England doesn’t get snow often.
Coping with large amounts of snow requires expensive infrastructure.
Expensive infrastructure is not worth it is it doesn’t snow often, so we don’t have it.
That is why England copes poorly with snow.
Could somone please circulate that to every tabloid editor in the country?
[LEFT]Even if they did they’d miss-qoute and ignore it all.