My school starts up agian today, how about you guys?
Well i’m doing a traineeship, so would that count as school??
im in the 4th week of term… but im in aus and we hav our long holidays in december/ january
I start in september but im homeschooled.
I think it varies depending on what state you are from though.
Mine starts on the 28th which sucks I have 3 book reports to do 2 books to read( I have only read one) and a huge ass math packet looks like mostly goe-metry and alg-e-ba. Fuck nuggets.
I start on the 20th, I’ll be starting highschool.
I don’t go to school.
neener neener
27th for me…senior year, whoop.
21st I start comp 1 at CCCC <If you can figure what that stands for you win a prize. Other than that I’m already doing school.
22nd for me
Cool Computing sChool for Cavemen
anyway, my school starts up on the fifth
Kansas starts with a K besides that fact you’re not even close but coodos for an excellent joke.
I’ll give you a hint it’s a college in Kansas.
4th september. School is so homosexual . (…)
Theres no school like no school
Haha! I’ve finished my school!
Many people(most of them old ones) will tell you that school is the best years of your life. Bollocks! School sucks, I’m out of it and I’ve never been better.
Good luck and I wish you to graduate as soon as possible.
So you’re not going to college?
What he said.
3th September. Still have half of August for shenanigans
last week of august.
kinda looking foward to it because the temp starts cooling off and i have less spare time so i am more motivated to ride. havent really been since it is too hot to ride hard.