Next week the eight grade class at our school is holding an event called spirit week, If a student dresses that way he or she has to pay one doller. The days are as follos
Monday- gum day
Tuesday- tie day; pay a doller for each tie worn
Wednesday- inside out and backwards day
thursday-beach day
Friday- spirit day
I dissagree with charging for this week. I have to pay to have school spirit. I have to pay to wear a tie that i can wear anyday I want. I am okay with paying to chew gum Because we cant normally. but paying for school spirit?
me lots of other people are going to protest and wear everything but refuse to pay
we do a simmaler thing at my school, except we have hat day pay a dollar wear a hat and lock up day pay to lock someone up in a big cage for a set durration of time. these are the only things you have to pay for and all the money goes to charity. amongst those things we have twin day and we do a guys vollyball tournment bettween the classes
we did sommit like that. ALthough not sure what happened, i refused to go well i stayed at home and did a whole bunch of usefull stuff - like unicycling.
no our school doesnt have a set uniform im just agaisnt paying for things you can do normaly
like id happily pay $1 to wear a hat because we cant usually wear them
So infact except for the gum those are all things you could do anyway (apart from maybe the inside out/backwards)? bizzare, but i guess it’s their only option for a ‘non-uniform’ day if you dont wear a uniform anyway.
Were I you, I’d dress in the style of the previous day every day i.e. half a dozen ties round your neck on wednesday. It would be a way of making your point without getting yourself in trouble.
Fortunately, you weren’t looked down upon at our high school if you didn’t have any school spirit. We had similar events, but no-one ever participated. (The money didn’t go to charity, either. Our school blew it on brand new uniforms for our crappy football team every year).
Haha! That is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard of.
I chew gum all the time in class. The consequence is supposed to be a lunch detention, but the teachers really don’t care at all. One time my teacher even offered me gum:)
Seriously though, just wear a freaking tie. Then tell them that you didn’t bring any money to school.
Inside out and backwards day? Who wears their clothes inside out and backwards anyway? Just don’t do it.
Beach day, do the same thing as tie day.
Friday, hmmmm… Get a school sweatshirt (or t-shirt or school clothing) and write some thing like “This school blows” on it and wear it to school. Then refuse to pay anything.
Haha, we have school spirit week to. You don’t have to pay to participate, but people volunteer to do stuff to raise money. (EX. eat gross stuff ,cut your hair off, or let people throw stuff at you… if enough money is raised) Then we end the week with a big assembly that most people skip, and the volenteers do their thing.