School bully get KNOCKED out by kid half his size!

Tiltle says it all…this is awesome! Score one for the little guy! Good for him :sunglasses:

Wow! Thats one tough little kid. He gets put-up and he just pops the bully one. Smart kid… not taking any crap.

He stood up for himself, good. I’m not very keen on violence, though.

The big guy goes down after a single punch. Why is that?

2 reasons why the big guy went down: 1) getting hit pretty hard on the jaw particularly with an open mouth is a fairly easy way to get knocked out, and 2) big guys usually aren’t though tough. no one ever messes with them because their huge, so they don’t have the toughness of the tiny guys who get picked on all the time. plus they aren’t ready of people to fight back.

i could see me doing that

I could see your adorable puppy doing that.

I could see your adorable mom doing that.

thats what she said

reminds me of the first fight i won
two punches and it was over ,KO (i won)


You wanted me to throw a big one at Reef!
And now you say your not big on violence?!?!

i cant get the video to play for me

it just keeps saying connecting to media, then after a while it says “ready” then it says connecting to media again.

Yeah, I’m pretty inconsistent. Whatcha gonna do about it?!