Playing God was a good movie.
nice shot!
I asked my GF last night if she thought the pope ever shined his helmet while he was the pope…and if he did do you think he felt bad about it?
I mean come on, this whole celibacy thing is just a front…it’s a no questions asked safe haven for homosexuals (I have nothing against homosexuals- I have some friends). “Reliable sources estimate that approximately 75% of all Catholic priests are homosexuals” Its also a safe haven for pedophiles (these people are just f*cked up!)
“local media revealed that Cardinal Mahoney had approved the payout of $5.2 million to settle a homosexual molestation case involving one of his monsignors”
There are some links on this page.
I call it how it is…if the lord was all knowing and compassionate, how does this go on in his house? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hadn’t they been playing god for 15 years?
very good shot indeed
here’s SA’s favourite cartoonist’s take
Monday,coming back from moab MF,in the hotel restraunt,the tv was set on the popes funeral procession,and it was going on and on and on and on with them carrying him down the street.After a long time of this a guy sitting at the table next to us turned around and said “It sure is taking them forever to get him there.They should have just fed-exed him to save time”.
It was so stinking hilarious at the time!everybody within earshot laughed…