Have a look at this:
It´s really scary so I don´t recommend you to watch it before you go to sleep.
thats sick, and cruel, and yucky…actually, I didn’t watch it, but I saw the title and then a giant centipede and a mouse, and then I was all like, ‘no,’ so I closed.
that was great
Wow, centipedes are blood sucking viscous creatures!!! that was a good video to watch while eating breakfast lol, the first one wasn’t too bad either
that is discusting! if I found that thing in my house I would introduce him to my good friend Dr. Shotgun, or mayby the twins down the road, gasoline and match:)
well that made me thirsty…im gonna go have some mouse…er…milk i meant milk . lol that was pretty gross ive seen ids like that on ebaums i.e. snake vs rabbit , croc vs rat, snake vs cute little mouse. that kind of stuff
that was evil i hate insects and now i hate them even more i love the cute little mouse that person who wanted to do that is just evil
what else did you expect him to feed it…lettuce?
that was weird. i didn’t know centipeds could get that big
maaaybe…you didn’t know mice could get that small…
james…maybe your just wierd?
well hey, it didn’t necessarily have to be a giant centipede!! there wasn’t really anything to compare it to, except the mouse. but if you instead compare the mouse to the centipede, the mouse is actually really very little.
tthen how do you exsplain the size of the persons hand? I supose they have really tiny hands right?
I didn’t actually watch the whole thing, in fact, I only watched about four seconds of it, so I must’ve missed the part with the guys hand (:
but maybe it was a little kid…or an elf.
yeah the guy ends up pushing the mouth nearer to the centipede witha feather…it pretty cruel…i just woulda let the centipede catch it rather that helping the centipede. but i think it would be cool to let one of those loose in a school or something.
that was so freaky, i didn’t know insects ate mammals… weird.
There is a type of spider in Australia* that eats birds.
Its called the Australian** bird eating spider.
*possibly Africa
**possibly African
heres some more vids of hungry animals
and one for those of you who like the little mouse to win sometimes
this si a vid of the now famous camel spider…im sure you have all seen the e-mail of the "huge killer spiders fromiraq but before you guys start going on about how killer it is im gonna lay down some facts
the camel spider is not that big its only about 5-6" in diameter
it cannot run 30mph while screaming it only runs about 10mph and doesnt scream
it isn venemous…it breaks is food into bits and sucks out the juice
it does not attck humans or dogs or cats or camels it prefers to munch on other anthropods. however if cornered it will bite but the bite is not very harmful but may require stitches
it cant jump 3 feet in the air…it cant jump at all.
psh, if it isn’t ten feet tall, and it can’t scream, and isn’t poisonous, and doesn’t eat people, and can’t jump buildings in a single bound, then what can it do??