Scan Your Face!

Everyone scan your face and post the picture :smiley:

Here’s mine

i don’t have a scanner… but that’s a freaking hilarious pic!!

well heres my face !

nobody else?

This one I did about two years ago. I have a more civilized look nowadays, less scary.

That looks like Rasputin!

as do I…with proper choice of clothing and facial hair :smiley:

Yes, it’s a slow day at work.
Now my boss is looking at me funny.

haha god that is a funny one blue !

I think Blue is winning. =p

I dont have a scanner, but I have one at two of my friends house, im just not sure how soon I can get over to either of there houses. Ill have soon though.

For those without a scanner (like me :roll_eyes: ) you could just put your face up against a window and take a pic that way. :sunglasses:

but that takes (some) of the fun out of it!

maybe but at least you can still get a picture with a weird effect…hence! OMG that’s scary!!!


this is my face

in a scanner

Haha Miles you look like you’re asleep in the first one!:smiley:

Miles, you have the world’s skinniest head. Is there any distortion going on there? It reminds me of that ice guy in The Incredibles. :slight_smile:

I have enough trouble keeping my scanner glass clean, I’ll pass…

on one of them, I moved my head as it scanned it.

Frozone lol. Except he’s not black.

Miles, in the second one you can see your face prints from the first one… :stuck_out_tongue:

We have a scanner on the other computer… I’ll do it sometime…