Saying "Hello"

Hi, folks - to all you friends I’ve never met, and to the few that I have met, in several years as a regular in this forum.

I’ve not been posting much recently, but I’m still riding - mainly the 36" Nimbus and the KH 29. I’m now living in Lincolnshire, and my new territory has little by way of hills, but plenty of bridlepaths and a whole new river bank to explore. Expect the occasional “Wride Up” when time allows.

Big story of the last year is that I’ve met someone special - so special that we’re getting married on 16th July (less than a week now!) As a bonus, I get two ready made sons, 18 and 14, both of whom have learned to ride reasonable distances including light off road. Robin, the older one, is also doing well on the slackline - far better than I am!

I still glance at the forum most days, often to admire the pictures of recent rides.

This forum is one of the friendliest places on the internet, and I’m glad to see it is staying that way.

Happy riding.

We’ve had many, many hello threads recently, but this is the first from someone with over six thousand posts. Welcome back. I recently returned to the forums also.

Congratulations! Good luck and best wishes. Now you have to get your kids interested in Morris dancing, too.

We have a ton or two of new people here who are just wonderful. Poke around in Just Conversation and join the discussions (when you’re not too busy getting married and stuff like that). It’s nice to have you back.

Cool! and congratulations!

I remember I would always read your write-ups when I first joined the forum.


If you want someone to play the Wedding March on the pipes while riding a uni, just shout.

Mazel Tov, dude.

I too have been a bit absent of late and also recently found someone lovely - though no wedding bells in Boogieland.

Glad to hear all is wellington in your world and to add to GILD’s offer - if you’d like me to come and conduct the service whilst on a uni and wearing my lovely hawaiian rev shirt n’ collar I’d be most happy to assist.


Congratulations. As for being absent, you focus on what’s important. I hope that you’re as lucky as we all expect that she is.

I bake a mean cake.

Sounds like a perfect situation Mikefule!

Thanks for your kind comments, everone. It’s the big day today. Piddling down with rain. Should be a good day, though, with plenty of music and dancing - a real celebration.


Congratulations Mikefule!
Best Wishes!

I’m taking the pipes up to a Delville Wood Memorial held at the grave of a survivor.

We’ll play a couple of tunes at a local pub afterwards. I’ll sneak the Wedding March into the set.

May you have a fabulous life.

Congrats, Mike!

Even if you have skipped out a few months here, you probably don’t need a reminder that photos are in order.

I congratulate you.
That is wonderful news.

Having been honoured to be invited to Mike & Judith’s wedding, I’m pleased to say the rain stopped, the sun came out and a good time was had by all.

It was a wedding in true Mike style!


Hey Congratulations My best wisher always with u…

Hey Mike, only just seen this thread - congratulations, and I hope the day went well. Just to prove what a nice bloke you are even the spambots are wishing you well!

The weather here was pants until mid afternoon - had a barbeque for my daughter at lunch time (she’d been wanting a bbq for her birthday the last three years and it always seems to be wet, so we went for it anyway, under the table in the garden in heavy rain :))

Hope to see you again sometime - I’ve got to be honest and admit I’m not entirely sure where Lincolnshire is… I’m going to have to look on a map :o…



Congratulations Mike :slight_smile:
I’m pretty sure I have you to thank for getting me into unicycling - I was having a picnic in Sherwood Pines with my family in the summer of 2008, when a guy on a unicycle came past - I said to my wife that I’d always fancied learning to ride, and for my next birthday she bought me an ‘ebay special’ - 3 years and 2 more unicycles later - riding has become a part of my life.
Discovering this forum, and your entertaining posts (particularly the Notts ride reports), helped me to keep going during the early days of the learning process.
Thanks for being an inspiration despite the fact that we’ve never met - ( I always mean’t to get in touch to see if we could meet up for a ride, but kept putting it off until my skills improved a bit :roll_eyes: - have now moved from Nottinghamshire to West Yorkshire.)
Wishing you every blessing in your married life.

Congratulations, Mike. I have been absent myself, but it is great to hear your good news.