Saturday Klutz show and MUni ride

This is a follow-up to the announcement from the other day about a show this
Saturday, Aug. 22 at the Klutz Store in Palo Alto, CA. We’re going to organize a
MUni ride afterward, somewhere in the same general area.

SHOW: 1:00 at the Klutz Store, 572 College Ave, Palo Alto, CA.
Performance/demo/question & answer by John Foss.

MUNI RIDE: At around 2:15 or 2:30, we will put our heads together on where we’re
going and who wants to join us. Currently, “us” is John, Tim Bustos, Geoffrey
Faraghan and probably Nathan Hoover. That’s a group of riders of various levels,
so no worries! Contact me or Geoff for ride details. I only know I’m going where
he leads…

Geoffrey Faraghan (Telford Design) Come with us and test ride
the Telford Mountain Unicycle!

John Foss