I am flying out to LA on Thursday, July 24th and staying till Monday. My friends and I are heading up to Sound and the Fury festival in Santa Barbara. Any other unicyclists headed to this fest? I have never been to Southern California before, so it should be interesting.
Any recommendations on beaches or anything cool to check out or places to avoid? We will be at the Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara and probably staying somewhere nearby.
I won’t have a uni with me as I am trying to let my knee recover. I haven’t really been riding at all since RTL and I plan on giving up uni for another month or so. Hopefully that will be enough time for my right knee to recover.
Ouch, so my friends and I were able to get really cheap plane tickets b/c of frequent flier miles, but the motels out in Santa Barbara are 200 bucks a night! Is there anyone in the area that would have floor space or a backyard to camp in? We have sleeping pads/bags and everything that we can bring. I am going to try couchsurfing dot com out as well.