Salty Chip Thread.

Mmmmm… Arent they tasty?

Right now i’m eating a bunch of Dill Pickle chips, Their so salty and tasty… I wish i had salt and vinager chips. Those are good…

Not to be blunt, but…

Are you fucking kidding, this is by far the most POINTLESS thread ever if not.

Although I do crave salty chips now!

thats what makes it tasty… Mmmm…

ick… seriously… I can’t eat more than five or six before I feel I’ll puke…

…please watch your language on the forum.

gild… its the Salt Chip Thread. Its okay if he has some Salty Sailor language… Just a little. Dont lash out totaly.


I had to hide my chips. Cause, my brother already ate half the bag… So i stashed them in this one place in our closet. Mmmm…

No, it doesn’t.

That kind of language trips up internet-filters and can eventually lead to this site not being accessible to young unicyclists who are left to browse the internet by their parents, protected by nanny-software.

Denying them access to the mount of information available on this site is short-sighted in the extreem and is detrimental to the development and growth of our sport.

To do so in order for you to feel ‘big’ because you can swear on an internet site is childish and selfish.

Please watch your language.

Sorry, I was not aware that this could possibly exclude younger uincyclists. Won’t happen again boss!
All for you GILD

Hello small child. Hello little boy. Are you ready to join the Big Man club now because you’ve shown you can swear in white letters? That’s nice. What a mature contribution you’ve made to this forum, and therefore, to ALL THE INTERNET. You’re now a global player! Everyone in the world now with a computer has the potential to see your posting and know what amazing control you have over the English language. It will never go away…and why should it? You’re a Major Player, and the Internet should pause and reflect on your overall coolness. Tiny children with keyboards come and go every day, but none of them can match your prowess with reversed type. Were E.B. White alive today, he’d no doubt vie for a seat near your table, so he could bask in the thrill of your power over the written word.

Where’s that ‘report bad post’ button again?

My ignore list just increased to three. What was that you were saying, Dave, about immature little 13 year olds?

did yoopers post here?

i have him on ignore :wink:

Are you sure it’s ignore and not just the cold shoulder?

so, were not gonna keep this thread on topic? and just turn it into either a serious, or sarcastic flame war?

Keep on topic.


I might go grab the chips sometime, since i hid them. I wanna see if i can go to a friends house or something, but then i wouldnt be able to eat the chips…

Bu-bye Kyle.

I prefer salt & vinegar chipsticks myself.

Hmmm…my ignore list just dropped back down to two. :smiley:

I love salt-n-vinegar chips. They were very popular in the Chesapeake Bay communities. I learned to love them there, especially the homemade ones.

i would have clogged arteries if i made my own… Lol.

I should go buy some… I want some really salty chips right now… GAHH now i need to grab the bag…

yes chipsticks only work if they’re salt and vinegar, the salted ones they sell in my local sainsbury’s just don’t work.

Yeah, too bland.
Like eating handfuls of fresh air.

Fattening fresh air that is.

Salt is good. Salty chips are even better. I was thinking to myself the other day: "How cool would it be to make a super salty chip company with like salty BBQ and salty Cheese chips.

For now, I settle on Kettle chips, all of which are the best at what they do.