
yeah i have it.
came in drunk last night and didn’t properly cook my prawns.
i’m supposed to be going on rollercoasters and stuff this afternoon too :frowning:
what do i do?


That’s not going to be fun.
Foodborne illness

Info there about the bacteria, but nothing about the progression of the illness once you’ve got it. I can’t imagine it being pleasant though.

Give ski masks and waterproofs to the people sat behind you on the rollercoasters?


Wear a nappy?


I’d suggest not going.

:frowning: i was looking forward to it as well.
tip for the future: defrost food thoroughly
oh and make sure you’re sober when you prepare your food!!

ta for all the comments, its nice to have something to read while i’m stuck here.


How unadventurous you are. And this from a unicyclist :smiley:


That’s a bummer! Food poisoning is far from fun!

How did you prepare the prawns?

Get well soon!

well it was sort of like this:
stumble through door
locate FROZEN prawns
empty into unwashed bowl,
any spilled on floor pick up and put in bowl too
2 minutes medium heat in old microwave
serve tepid prawns on bread
salmonella will ensue in roughly 5 hours.

its really that simple!!


my brother once got samonella, but we were not sure why.
then we figured out that he was handeling his pet turtles without washing his hands afterward.
pet reptiles and amphibians are supposed to carry samonella, so if you have a pet like thast, after playing with it, it is a good idea to wash your hands.

what the heck is a prawn?

One of these.

You don’t know what a prawn is, Forrest?
That’s pretty sad

I’ll forgive the poor landlocked bastard.

Ben’s friend Ashley just finished a good go-round with e-coli sickness. She had cooked herself a late night snack of chicken but didn’t quite get the bird cooked all the way through. There was no alcohol involved but it was late…or rather early morning and dark. Her mom found bloody chicken scraps in the trash the following morning. E-coli actually put her in the hospital for a day.