S. Africa or Ghana - Holy decision Batman! (Where do I go next year?)

Okay some may remember my other thread about post high school plans and the different exchange programs I was looking at. Well I’ve been offered two different placements with two different programs and need to make a decision in 48 hrs.

First is with Gap:
6 months in Ghana at about $5000. I would be working in a school likely teaching 8 - 12 yr olds english and math.

Second is with CWY:
7 months split - half in BC (Canada, though I’m Canadian BC is very different than NS and would be a very different experience also I’ve always wanted to go there) and half in South Africa at about $2000. This program is called environmental leadership, and though I don’t know what it entails it is likely to do with the environment.

Now the only thing holding me back from option 2 is the experience. When applying for gap I didn’t select the UK like all my friends because where it is more developed I can experience it on my own at any time. With a place like Ghana you just don’t get that oppurtunity. you can’t just get off the plane in ghana and survive basically. Thats why a structured program where stuff is taken care of is good. My view of SA is that it is more like the UK and wouldn’t be as much of an overwhelmingly different experience as Ghana. But at the same time I can’t downplay SA. I know very little about SA other than Gild, unihoki (a part of me just died typing that), and a unit on Apartheid we are doing in school (not a huge draw, but it was a while ago - not to say some doesn’t still linger). What do you guys think?

All opinions welcomed,

I don’t know anything about South Africa. But I work with west Africans quite a bit and know them to be freindly, interesting and good people. I think Ghana would be a great place to spend a few months.

Go Ghana!

Get a djembe and learn some great drumming, while you’re there!!!

personally, I would do the trip to South Africa, because I personally am rather into environmentalism…you might like the other better though.

take are advice into considerations, but make your own decision
and dont forget to pack you uni

i cant really tell cause i dont know about any of those places

Have you made a decision on this yet?

If you do end up in SA, be sure to give me a shout if you’re ever even remotely close to Johannesburg.

Don’t forget that $5000 goes a LOT farther in Ghana.

If you go there, bring back some GAP sweatshirts from the sweat shop!!

I spent a 10 week summer in Liberia, and it was unforgettable. I’d go Ghana in a heartbeat, then catch Dave and the rest on the next opportunity. If you can and feel able at the time, see if you can get an extra month, unstructured, where you can explore all you want on your own timetable. This will allow you 1) to put up with not being able to do that during the 6 months, and 2) think ahead to some things you want to do during that month.

I remember one time seeing a bush taxi take off into parts unknown, and wishing that I was on it… but back to the assigned task I went. Having some time on my own afterwards could have been very cool.