Rubik's Cube and other puzzles

I have recently learned how to solve a rubik’s cube and was wondering if there were any other unicyclists that solve cubes and/or other puzzles?

I have a pretty nice Rubik’s cube collection. My best time on the 3x3x3 is like 1:01 or :58 or something around there.

I was actually working on the 4x4x4 today… I can solve all the centers but they’re not in the right places :roll_eyes:

I can do a 3x3x3 in 88s. pretty slow…

My brother can do the 5x5x5 in 20 minutes:D

I can do rubik’s cubes:P My best with the 3x3x3 is like 34s but now I’m more around 50s because I used to play with it alot in the winter, but once the summer gets here it’s all about unicycles! I’ll have to play with it more often… And get my cube collection bigger and bigger and bigger!! I already have…10(?) rubik’s cube style puzzles, including some customs :sunglasses:

I had all my records saved on my iPod but I had to restore it and I lost them all:(

Here are my stats:

2x2x2 - 8 seconds
3x3x3 - 28 seconds
4x4x4 - 2 minutes 4 seconds
5x5x5 - 4 minutes
6x6x6 - 8 minutes 19 seconds
7x7x7 - 9 minutes 47 seconds
Megaminx - 4 minutes something

I used to do them all the time, nowadays not so much…

I can’t solve Rubik’s cubes, but I can solve 9 piece “impossible” puzzles.

I can get a ring off chains between horseshoes in under 2 secs.:stuck_out_tongue:
It looks like this:

how the hell?

This is sitting in our office.

Between my office mate and I, we’ve solved two sides.

I don’t even want to look at it anymore.


I just timed myself and I got it in 2:44 so im really slow but Im gonna kepp working at it.

You know what’s another great puzzle? The effing search function. It’s not that hard to solve, and when you do it you don’t look like a dumb newb.

Rubik’s returned THESE THREADS.

I can solve 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, pyraminx, rubiks snake and the rubiks UFO. I don’t know what my times are but for the 3x3 I thinks it about 1 minute 30 seconds.

catboy fails, that link came up with a message saying no threads were found
also, i can solve the cube, but in around 2 mins, never learnt it any faster

just got a new rubiks 3x3 record 31,95 seconds. Pretty nice :wink:

FTFM - Damn you forum!

I’ve done a 3x3 on the unicycle in about 4 minutes.

i got a new wooden puzzle today

I actually just got a new 3x3 record of 13.52 seconds today:

I mainly just speed solve the 3x3, but I’ve solved 2x2 cubes through 7x7 cubes. My 3x3 average is ~20 seconds, but I’ve been getting quite a few ~19 second averages of 5, so I’m slowly but surely getting faster.

I guess if people are finding conventional 3-Dimensional nxnxn cubes too easy, then there’s always the 4-Dimensional cube to solve:

And, in the spirit of taking things too far, the 5-Dimensional cube:

I find the cubes too easy now, I’ve done every cubes from 2x2x2 to 7x7x7, I got a Megaminx and it’s pretty much the same thing as my cubes… I want a Gigaminx, and other fun non-cube stuff to do:)

when you figure it out make me a video so i can put mine together. been spread out on my desk for weeks