Rubik's cube- 2nd layer algorithm needed

hey guys,

Does anybody know a quicker way to fix/flip this cubie in the 2nd layer, i would normally put another random cubie in to get it out then put the original one back in the right way, but there has to be a quicker way. I will let the photo explain. (i’m refering to the orange/green cubie :slight_smile: )


i dont know if there is. thats how i do it to.

I use…

R2 D2 F’ R2 F D2 R D’ R

I think thats it, works for my method.


i dont think their is any quicker way… but i could be wrong…

For things like this it’s best to actually really understand how the cube moves, which moves affect which pieces in what way, etc…then just do it intuitively, instead of memorizing certain algorithms which do take way longer than if you just know exactly what you’re doing.
Basically what I’m saying is, figure it out (:

Do you think if you smoked tea leaves, you would get a caffeine buzz from it?

wow, that was a super thread jack.

umm idk, try it!

Ask, and ye shall receive!

I know I thought I was in MR :o
And now back to our regularly scheduled program…

:smiley: I didn’t where else to post this. But it looks trippy. :smiley: