RTUC Camping Trip in Middleville, Michigan

RTUC (rtuc.org) is planning a camping and canoeing weekend at the Indian Valley campground in Middleville, Michigan, August 15 - 17th. http://www.michcampgrounds.com/indianvalley/
We do this annually and although we take our unicycles and ride some it’s primarily a social and canoeing weekend.

Anybody interested in joining in?

Just a little bump to keep this on page one for a bit.

Kathy, I do not expect to come along, saving money for an October trip I’m planning (non-uni). Sounds fun though, I hope some of the WOW folks and others can join you all.

I’m curious about that thing in your sig line though. :slight_smile:

Ben, In regard to my sig line:

My favorite daughter announced that she’s expecting a baby and a few weeks later, her bunny died. Ironic, isn’t it?

I want to laugh but might feel guilty because she lost a pet. :smiley:

Come on uni’ists, it will be fun, come on, come on,…come on

When you make your campground reservation let them know that you’re also joining the 11:00 canoe trip on Saturday and make your canoe reservation at the same time.