I’m in JROTC at my jr high. there is some good and bad things about it.
-easiest class I got(play sports in there two days a week, one day we are in the class and right now we are talking about carreers, and the other two days we go outside and march for like five minutes and come in and talk for the rest of the class)
-it’s good if u want to go into the military
-can be fun if u want it to be
-let me ride my unicycle during class
There is a good bit of more things about it but that is some main ones.
-Had to cut my long hair(I cried)
-none of my good friends are in it
-yell at you for stupid stuff like if u have holes in your pants above the knees and stuff like that
-uniforms can get annoying sometimes
-have to learn
-have to do push ups alot
There are the main things that I don’t really like about it
edit: I’ve thought about quitting but i’m not really sure quite yet. the only good thing about it is if I decide to go into the military i go in two to three ranks higher and get paid more
notice the avatar as well…
my school doesn’t offer it as a class, or I would have considered it, but it’s probably a good idea not to have it at my school considering it’s in the middle of downtown Portland Oregon, probably the most Anti-military place I know of…
i am very racist.
That’s bad. You suck.
you wish you were as cool as me steveyo.
Uh, yeah. I wish I was as cool as a self-important, intolerant, homophobic, bigoted teenager.
My feces is cooler than you.
yea right i am the shit. yo old fuck.
are you raceist towards self-important, intolerant, homophobic, bigoted teenagers?
that is the correct word not raceist (correctly spelled racist in case you were wondering)
oh thankyou chris. i appreciate youre kindness. but i like to missspell(?) words it makes me feel more american.
No, you’re not the shit, you’re a shit.
Please allow me to educate you a tiny bit.
A racist (note spelling) is “a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others”. For example, it appears you are a “racist” because you have the phrase “white power” in your signature.
If you meant to ask if I’m prejudiced towards self-important, intolerant, homophobic, bigoted teenagers, then the answer is no. Here’s why.
Prejudice is “an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.” It means pre-judgement.
I am, however, judgemental of self-important, intolerant, homophobic, bigoted teenagers. I only became judgemental of you after you expressed your intolerance, homophobia, bigotry, and then, later, as your self-importance became apparent.
I truly hope you learn tolerance or you may find yourself lonely and bitter as you grow older.
You know what? I don’t know Steveyo from Joe Blow.However, if I should ever have the pleasure of meeting up with him, you’d best not be in the neighbourhood, asshole. He & I are of the same generation, a generation that used to be able to deal with pukes like you, in our own way. God bless the 70’s.
those must have been the good old days… [RANT]now it’s all flowers, sunshine and gold medals for participating… everyone wins nobody loses because we don’t want anyone to sue us because their kid didn’t get rewarded for losing at a game what a terrible thing that would be, you’d think they were being tortured because they lost, unless we give them something to show that they are good at everyhing and can’t lose in the real world, it’s our generation that is going to send us plummeting into debt and spiraling out of control because our parental generartion(nothing against the older meber of the forums) isn’t teaching us how to manage money or how to apply ourselves and actually work for what we want. from what I can see we are just handed everything and fed the idea that we can do no wrong and can never lose, so many kids my age are whining and complaining about the high school work load and how it’s “not fair” that they can’t get a passing grade without some sort of effort [/RANT]
you old guys were fighting japs in korea (note the mistake i made) while my mother was cleaning my ass. and i hope i do meet you old “70s” burnouts i love to hear about those storys when a dime bag only cost a dime. makes me think of my father. which by the way left my mother for a gay man he met on the internet. which happend to be gay. with aids. giving my father the disease… and cause his death. RIP.
he was aslo black. i forgot to mention. i think i have a tiny bit of reason to hate. but dont we all?!
So if he (the gay black man with AIDS) had been a straight white woman with AIDS, and passed it to your dad, you would hate straight white people?
Retards On The Campus.
Rot-C Nazis.
Wheeeeeee back on subject.
Only a couple of the JROTC kids in my high school were really stuck up (like that stupid know-it-all guy from Yale), most of them were just normal. We referred to them as “pickles” in our school because of their green uniforms, but that slang quickly became against the rules so that we wouldn’t hurt their feelings.