Rosie O'Donnell Canned From ABC's "The View"

It’s about time.

Rosie was funny. I wonder where she’ll turn up next? Odd timing, that contract negotiations would be going on at the same time as all this Don Imus and other stuff… Is it a coincidence?

Seems like quite the backlash going on currently with what people can say and what they can’t. I wonder now if Alec Baldwin will get fired from being a dad, or go into rehab? It’s got to be one or the other… :stuck_out_tongue:

They should have hired Donald Trump to come into a meeting to tell Rosie she was fired. That would’ve been some great, gossipy TV! Unfortunately she was not fired, as the thread title would suggest.

I’m waiting for them to cancel the show outright…

Conversely, the only stock photo Fox news (Faux News) has on file for Rosie are her gay wedding photos, which is to imply that any discussion of Rosie O’Donnell should be framed by that issue.

I already knew that I disagreed with your politics, but the fact that you read newsmax just proves that you’re not worth listening to.

That article referenced from “Newsmax” was furnished by the associated press; hardly conservative. Please point out anything in that article that you believe to be inaccurate or biased to either side of the political spectrum.

Yes, but the fact that he used a newsmax link shows that UniPsychler is a Newsmax reader and proves that he is not worth listening to on the grounds that Newsmax has a bigger bias than Fox News.

I mean you certainly wouldn’t listen to someone who’s main news source was The Huffington Post (who btw, unlike Newsmax, make no claim of journalistic credibility).

Well obviously when you say things such as, “not worth listening to”, you should say “IMO”. It’s ok to have differences of opinions, but it’s also nice to have at least a semblence of respect and not attack, disparage or degrade those who may not share your opinions/beliefs. :slight_smile: And for every person who thinks Fox News is biased, there’s another who thinks the same of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, the View, Letterman, Maher, and on, and on ,and on. It gets to the point where we just have to agree to disagree. We can all still have fun riding together! :slight_smile:

Fox tries (or pretends, depending on opinion) to be “fair and balanced.” Newsmax is clearly way, way to the right of Fox, so Guy’s point is taken. Meanwhile, Fox is the only major news agency I can think of that has to use “fair and balanced” as their tagline. They’re nothing like Newsmax.

Well good riddance, but I’m sure it will only put her loud mouth in the press even more because of it.

Great place to get news, BTW.

To add to my point. Newsmax seems to be the only “news” site, that is headlining this story.

I’ve only checked.

Some mention it in a sidebar, or as a lead story under entertainment, but only NewsMax lists it as “Headline News” and shows it on their main page with a big photo.

To be fair, Huffington Post, also lists it as headlining story, but even liberals don’t really consider the Huffington Post to be a legitimate news source. It’s more of a blog that comments (with clear bias) on the news stories of the day.

It was headlined on the Yahoo Homepage earlier…

If you don’t like what I have to say, then don’t listen.

Since the mainstream media has become so biased and is no longer in the business of reporting news but rather making it, I’m forced to get the REAL NEWS from other, more reliable sources including NewsMax, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and others.

It appears that the unicycling community, represented on this bboard, is approximately 95% Liberal and only 5% Conservative so I’m not surprised that you don’t like my conservative views. In light of this unbalance I am forced to voice my opinions more strongly because there are so few conservatives here to do it. Besides somebody has to set you Libs straight. :wink:

BTW: As some on this bboard can attest to, in person I’m a pretty nice guy. At uni events we enjoy each others company and have a great time riding together because politics and religion are never discussed.

Can’t we expect a wacko liberal to autamatically hate conservative news sources? I mean isn’t that just standard?


If you weren’t so far away I’d give you a high five.

The fact that you consider NewsMac, Fox News, Rush, and Hannity “Real News” just proves my point.

When I listen to Al Franken, or read The Huffington Post. I don’t consider it “Real News”. I see it as commentary on the News.

Rush is not News, it’s conservative biased commentary on the news. The fact that you are unable to see that shows why you are not worth listening to.

Like I said before, if you don’t like what I have to say then don’t listen. You libs would love nothing more than to silence us conservatives because we show you the error of your ways.

You really don’t get it do you?

As an interesting little aside, at my job I deal with the news that is distributed throughout my company. We recently started using a new supplier for news which includes NewsMax. I didn’t know anything about it but because part of my job is to evaluate these sources I registered at their site to see what they offered.

Well needless to say if anyone wants to read that dreck it is their business, but I am now mercilessly emailed by them on an hourly basis. And despite repeated attempts to unsubscribe to NewsMax’s steady stream of specious spew, I have yet to be able to.

So to NewsMax I say, you suck. :angry:

The fact that you don’t consider conservative news “real news” just proves my point. :slight_smile:

Of course conservative news/news commentary is going to lean towards conservative views and ideas. Don’t liberal news outlets do the same thing? Yep. Liberal news is biased.

Hey, it’s the thought that counts.

Conservative news, liberal news… they both are simply not real news. :slight_smile: Real news is hard to find.