Ron Paul's greatest speech

I am not a gold bugger. I enjoyed some of the debates I had with Gilby about economics before the crash. I don’t want Ron Paul to be prez because I lack confidence in his grasp of the big picture.

Yet on foreign policy I think the guy is a genius. His predictions of a serious collapse of the dollar as a result of “massive in the red USA debt” seem spot on.

I really wish I could believe he is wrong about this. But the evidence points strongly to the USA becoming a “bankrupt military industrial complex machine” that the world sort of backs away from a bit. You know, like Russia was in the early 90’s.

I share Paul’s opinion that the trillion dollar deficits funding this massive military empire will cause a complete collapse of the system in the sense that USA bonds will go from triple A rating to junk in a few years.

I like Obama, but he is expanding the military budget and widening the war in Asia. The idea that we can spend 100’s of billion’s of $ borrowed money each year because we haven’t killed Bin Laden must end a lot sooner then Obama seems to budget for.

The alternative to expanding the military budget is to cancel contracts, causing those manufacturers to do massive lay offs. The whole idea of stimulus is to waste money, just throw money out into the economy to prevent lay offs and encourage spending.

What do you like about Obama?

He sure is popular! :sunglasses:

He puts the “cool” back into in “Kool”!

Obama < retard

Obama was always saying: No! More war!

On the bright side, the faster the US (the govt) spends itself into ruin, the faster liberty might be the outcome (though, i am still skeptical that people still wont “get it”). Working within the current system might just prolong the slavery. Oh well.

Did you figure out if India works this way, too?

I love the pictures of your trip!

India is a bureaucratic mess.

If I may interject some relevant truth into your polemic:

The Department of Defense budget is 20% of the total Federal annual budget. In the recent $17B spending cuts, 52% of all cuts came from DoD. This on top of a 10-20% (depends where the #'s are coming from) reduction in DoD’s annual operating budget anyway.

We are spending much, much less on our military than we have been. So leave us out of this. We’re already tightening our belts even more than everyone else.

Now where were we? Oh yes, deficit spending=bad; it WILL bury us if we don’t get it under control.

So that’s a “yes”