Rocky Horror

I am terrified. People in my generation are crappy. They do not appreciate the greatness that is Rocky Horror Picture Show. Terrible. I brought a couple of virgin friends to a showing the other night. They “didn’t like it” and “didn’t get it” And then there was this:

Movie: Hello I’m Brad Majors.
Me: Asshole!
Some guy: Please shut up. You’re ruining the movie!

Just wanted to let everyone know that my generation sucks.

Actually I belive the generation “blows”…

man the Rocky Horror Picture Show kicks ass! its awsome, the music is good too

The closest I’ve come to seeing it is two girls performed the Time Warp agaaaaaain in my history class on the last day of school last year.

What’s it about?

Watch it.

Don’t just watch it. Print out the audience participation script and follow along. The DVD version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show has the option of playing the audience participation stuff along with the movie as you’re watching it.

Time is fleeting…

Edit: Whoops! The link to the link for the audience script is bad. Try this one or Google.

Oh man. Whoever said that you were ruining the movie… should just… die.

I’m wearing one of my five RHPS t-shirts right now.

I was Columbia in a stage play a few years ago… well, an understudy. But I was ready to kick the lead columbia in the face to get a chance to act…

I just bought one of my friends a RHPS dvd so he can see it before he leaves for boot camp…

I own the VHS super-edited cable tv version, the 25th anniversary version, the DVD, and the UK version.

Making me completely and certifiably awesome.

I was also Columbia for halloween two years ago… and have forced over 20 different people to watch this movie for the first time. As well as having seen it over 200 times.

Yeah. So. Not all of the generation is hopelessly lost. And I’m still here, trying to fix the ones that are. ((But I have to say… that comment made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. EVERYBODY knows that Brad Majors is an asshole. And Janet is a slut. And if anyone wants a copy of my AP script… I’d be glad to lend it out. Just PM me and I’ll get back to you eventually.))

There’s a light in the darkness of everybody’s life.

Now the real question is whether you try to show them the sequel or not. Very few people know about the sequel. It’s called Blue Shock Treatment.

I have seen rocky horror the movie like 50 times and I’ve also seen it at the Circle in the Square theater, where I was the guy in the audience who got to do the Time Warp on stage:p .

I think the Roxie Theater still has regular late night showings of RHPS.

I do own ST, but I don’t tend to turn many people on to it. I wasn’t as impressed as I was by RHPS. But then again, it was part of my childhood… I’ve grown up with it since I was 7 years old. Shock Treatment was kind of… I only learned about it in 8th grade, and when I saw it, I was kind of like… so?

But, ST isn’t technically a sequel, anyway, so it’s not like you REALLY miss out on anything. Technically. Technically.

There aren’t too many theaters around here who still play it (mostly because, uh, it gets messy, and therefore, expensive). And there’s only ONE drive-in in CT left, I believe. Which is terrible. And of COURSE, they’re way too modern to show a 70s movie that nobody cares about. Except the millions of people who obsess over it.


Ugh, uncultured failures, all of them.

Eh. RHPS is ok. Its a good time, and fun but I am not into getting all cultish about itcoughzamboniisunhealthycough. Its just like the movie Creep Show. A fun time. No big deal… I don’t understand what everyone is obsessing about coughzambonigetoffthecrackcough. Go see Creep Show, now that is cool.

I prefer to send them in without them knowing whats going to happen and see what they do. Some people get into it right away and pick things up as they go along, while others take a little more coercing. I never used the scripts, they seem cheesy. I prefer picking it up as I go along. More fun.

My sister can do all of Columbia’s tap dancing routine, including the spinny bit at the end…The fiend. I’m going to get her to teach it to me in return for me teaching her to unicycle (She’s doing really, really well. Up and down kerbs and everyfink).

God bless Richard O’brien


The worst thing you can do is show that movie to someone in the comfort of your home, with no audience participation. Like that, it’s a different movie and a different experience.

It is showing its age now. So much of what’s in the movie seemed shocking back in 1978, but now you can see much more extreme stuff just about anywhere, including on primetime TV. So some of the “unusual” factor has worn off.

I did the Time Warp for my first unicycle competition performance, at my first unicycle meet. 1980 in Kokomo, Indiana. Nobody in Kokomo had ever heard of the movie. But a year later, the host of that convention (Tom Miller) was totally hooked, and racking up viewings, making props and costumes, etc.

I hope it wasn’t my fault.

I have no idea what you are talking about but when you come back for thanksgiving you’ll have to show me.

I saw RHPS in australia, was lots of fun. there are some other good movies that i go to the university of maryland campus theater to watch, like Army of Darkness and the Princess Bride. those 2 are sorta turning into cult classics. People act them out on the stage and everything. Has anyone else seen army of darkness?


Good. Bad. I’m the one with the gun.

People do Princess Bride on stage? WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE? Where can I see it??? My life suddenly feels… empty, and devoid of meaning… sniff :’(