Risk being banned with questions about banning

So as some of you have heard JJtheunicycle was recently banned. I’m not sure 100% why, it could be for spamming the forums as that is what he was doing you would say, with links to that brain eating game thing. But if you want to say that he was spamming the forums, then why was ChuckNorris unicycles never banned? Surely you remember him, all he did was praise Chuck Norris, and come into random threads yelling “CCCCCCCCCCCChhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuccckkkkkkkkk NNNNooorrrriiiissss” why is what I want to know, was he ever banned?

This will now be the official Banned user thread.
Ask any questions you have about being banned here.
Here is another question about being banned that I have:
Once someone is banned, what actually happens to them? Is there IP address banned or just there login or what?

Hopefully Gilby can answer these questions for us.

On a side note, I hope I don’t get banned.
Also, when typing this post I actually used grammer and all that other stuff I am known for not using.

And Finally, I also wanted to get the banning discussion out of MR and out into the open for everyone to see.

Except for correct spelling and capitalization. But who notices?

Oh, the irony.

You use grammAr no matter what you’re typing…what you use is just bad grammAr.

You aren’t known for bad grammAr anyway…you’re known for being an idiot.

does anybody actually want to know anything about people being banned?
or just pick on me?
and monkeyman why do you hate me so much?

Because you can’t type, use good grammar, or act older then 9

Be nice people - you don’t want to get banned now, do you?

He deserved it. I have a feeling Gilby will let him back on if he finds it appropriate. Lots of people (well not lots compared to other forums) have been banned, Gilby usually lets them learn their lesson for a while then lets them come back. Not sure about him though, I don’t know if he ever did anything useful.

Well for a while JJ was acttually asking valid questions then that stupid brain eating game started and he took it way to far. And as we all kno, once you toe is in the pool its not long before you dive all the way in:)

whats the brain eating thing? I wasn’t here for a while and now im confused :thinking: some one fill me in please

Here is a compliation (in the trash) of all of his spammy posts. They were all over the different forums but a mod moved them all to the trash.


JJ should be allowed back if he promises to be nice and stop spamming. He did make 367 posts that weren’t links to the zombie page.

Did chucknorrisunicycles get got with the feature that puts you on everyone’s
ignore list? I know BillyTheMountain got that once, it could have happened to chuck if he didn’t actually get banned.

Well no offence to Max but he has had many screennames on here since ive joined the forum(bout 5 i think) and all except the one hes has now were banned permanantly for his constantly rude and hurtful posts.

Now though Max seems to be a pleasant member of the fora.

hey guys, i did do alot of inappriot smapping, i think i took the whole zombie thing wayyyy to far, but my account will be re-enabled on the 29th, i feel bad for spamming am sure am not gonna do it again. sorry for the spam, peace out

wait has habbywall been banned

Yes, temporarily. He is back now and posting under jjunij or something. His other account gets unbanned on the 29th.

edit: Justinjj

Never…but habbywall pretty much stays in JC where he belongs, he almost nevr goes into rec sport.

no he just “quit”
I give him a week.

I give him less. He still posts almost every day.