RIP Walter "Fred" Morrison,Frisbee inventer

RIP Walter “Fred” Morrison, inventer of the wondrous Frisbee.

I cannot imagine what path I’d be on without him. I would not met have my true love, Rose, nor our two children. Oddly, I might never have begun unicycling, either (I started while recovering from an ultimate frisbee injury).

Fred - May your air-bounces rise smoothly, your hucks soar deep, and may you fly with infinity Z’s forever.

Very sad:( I like frisbees because they don’t discriminate against left handed people:D

Also the thread-nazis may point this out

Fred was way too big to be dumped into some dead celeb thread.

You beat me to it Steve.

And we just celebrated the anniversary of the patenting of the frisbee on the 13th of January. The patent was granted in 1957.

May he play in peace.

Frisbees are such a usual object in our life that I though they had just popped up one day. I wasn’t a young boy when I finally figured someone had invented it.
RIP Mr Morrison, you’d deserve a grave in the “Père Lachaise” cemetery, next to your famous homonym.

before frisbees, we had to fling hub caps.:stuck_out_tongue:


The flying disc has helped shape my life more than any other sport.

Seemed so obvious, but Fred is the man, the inventor. It also seemed like plastic was invented around the same era. Flying saucers (frizbees) are one of the 1st things made with plastic. Now we are drowning in plastic.

May Fred rest in peace with frisbee in his hand.


I first played with a Frisbee in about 1965. One of my friends had one. Nobody else had them and it was several years before they really became mainstream in my area. Little did we know that we were pioneers in our neighborhood.