RIP Steve Jobs

Sad day, RIP.

He was a perfect example of a man who got the job done.

R.I.P… He will be missed.

It is a sad day, he will be missed greatly Steve Jobs’s contribution to the world of technology is immeasurable. RIP Steve Jobs.

When I was a kid, 6-7yo, we lived in California, up on a hill in Cupertino. My father was a custom home builder, so we had this beast of house, and one of our neighbors was Mike Markula. He was recently “retired” as a investor/owner of an early high tech start up. My mom played tennis with Linda Markula, I played with Christie, and my dad became friends with Mike. The story goes that Mike had an investment opportunity and asked my father if he was intersted in getting in on the ground floor. There were these two young guys who had built something in their garage and we’re looking to start up a new company. My dad, being too smart for such a scam, turned down the opportunity.

The company was later known as Apple. Yeah, I bet my dad kicks himslef for that every time he wakes :wink:

We live in amazing times, but it hasn’t been that long since the first microwave arrived in the stores or since we first got television from anywhere other than the airwaves.

MTV started in 1980-1, just twenty short years ago, at the time I was in High School, the big video game was Atari Zelda, we didn’t have computer as such, no CD’s, fewer than a dozen cable stations, the state of the art was a typewriter with an LED screen that could display a couple words, no space shuttles, no MRSA, no war on terror, and the Schwinn unicycle was as good as it got.

Just think what another twenty years will get us.

He died far too young, a real shame, and for all our knowledge of medicine, we still can’t cure cancer…maybe some day.

Also today in Cupertino, CA… some guy went crazy and landed up shooting 10 people: 3 killed and 7 injured. A bunch of schools nearby mine were on lock down for up to 7 hours. So far he’s still on the loose. The day just got worse when we all found out Jobs died too. RIP to all the deceased.

The ‘rock quarry’ the murderer fled to is right next to where we run for cross country practice every other day. Pretty crazy stuff.

In other news, eleven thousand other guys died of heart attacks today.

I hate to break it to you on such a tragic day, but you’re also ten years older than you think you are. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, in 1981 you could start to get Miyata unicycles in the US, but only if you knew they existed. Everyone else was pretty much riding Schwinns at that time.

The world won’t be the same without Steve Jobs. He did so much to shape the technology so many of us are using today. He will really be missed.

I don’t know Steve Jobs. But I do know the man has impacted my life. Strange as much as I dislike apple, I’m still sad that Steve is gone. Even google is paying homage to the man! I’ve literally read 1000s of comments about his passing and only two have been negative in any way (counting Heretical Rants).

Steve Jobs will be missed.

Yeah, it’s kinda funny, I do lose track of relative time, even remembering how old I am is a problem, ya think it has to do with age :roll_eyes:

NPR did a nice story on Jobs this morning, emphasizing how the products he pushed to market led to cultural changes, i.e. the mouse, touch screen products. It’s not that Apple was the only one doing these things or even that Apple was the first to come up with the ideas (they weren’t) but that they made them commercially viable and culturally acceptable.

My wife got an IPad last Xmas from her parents. I hated it, couldn’t getused to it, probably because I never had an IPod or an Iphone. Now I grab the IPad first, before I grab the laptop or net book. Give it another twenty years and I’m sure we’ll be doing something other than typing :slight_smile:

Steve Jobs will be greatly missed by the world. He paved the way to the modern world that we all know today.

R.I.P Steve Jobs

…except my comment wasn’t negative. It was a positive declaration of an unrelated statistic.

Steve Jobs is responsible for one of my favorite quotes of all time-- “You are already naked.” Chew on that one for a while, it really was life-changing for me.

I don’t give a shit about the companies he was responsible for (aka his life’s work), however, with the possible exception of Pixar, and Disney’s owned that for quite a while now, which rather irks me as I absolutely hate Disney.

he made a world for users - not for software engeneers.
i hope his philosophy will go on

for sure: I am right now using a MAC for developing software and it’s really a pain in the *** :astonished: (for sure Win*** is no better).
I have some big doubts about ergonomic pretentions of so called “user-friendly softwares” : Windows, Mac, Androïd,… each has its own marvels and users can get used to it but when you take a more detailed look at some details you may discover that induced habits do not necessarily mean an optimum behaviour for the user.

If you were in fact already naked, I would hope you wouldn’t need Steve Jobs to give you that information. If you were walking around naked and were unaware of it until Steve Jobs told you, I can see how that would improve your life immensely, because naked people (unawares) will definitely have a difficult social adjustment.

Is that what you mean?

People are putting apples in front of all the NYC Apple Stores.

If you are homeless, hungry, or just like apples, take this as a hot tip for a free meal :stuck_out_tongue:

They are also lighting lots of candles. Does anyone want to post photos here?

I hear your coach told the team to Use This Information Seriously, and everyone had their fastest times around the quarry:p

Condolences to the families of those who died. Very sorry for the tragedy:(

the front page of todays’ NY Times business section has two articles about Jobs under the overarching headline: Moving on Minus its genious:

1 states Jobs barely made a dent in TV, the other “Defending the works of a visionary with the barbed tongue of a tyrant” says Jobs spent his life bullying people, starting when he “basically destroyed” his third grade teacher.

Thank you Steve Jobs, for making all of us a little bit more wealthy.

No, no, not at all…well, not literally, anyway.

I stripped it down (har har) to just the “already naked” part because I’m sick of all this “live like you’re dying” crap and I really just needed to get over my aversion to being exposed. For example, if I was out unicycling I would often hide whenever people went by because I didn’t want them to see me practicing.
It was pathetic.