RIP George Carlin

This really came as a shock to me. One of my favorite comedians, especially his earlier stuff. He was 71.,0,2760767.story

He was one the best when it came to figuring out where the line was and then creatively and deliberately crossing it.

The comedy of George Carlin will be missed. :frowning:

Did he get to take any of his “stuff” with him?

Carlin was a devout atheist. in fact, he called religion in general “Bullshit”. “RIP George, he used to be pretty funny before his ego got the best of him.”

he made me laugh

I forecast tonight will be dark:D

I remember a friend bringing the album with the 7 bad words to my house. We listened to it when our parents weren’t around. scary funny.

Looks like it came as a shock to him too as his calendar says he was already booked for the rest of 2008.

And kids, you can’t say those seven words on RSU/JC either.


NOOOO!!! Thanks for the post Terry…I am sad to hear he is gone but glad that I am informed…He was the best comedian to have drinking games too, every time he cursed…Passed out in 10 min :wink: RIP George

He will be missed for sure. Probably one of the only comedians that I could laugh at endlessly. I wonder where he is now? lol :roll_eyes:

yeah he was the man, and he was never afraid to push the limits of his comedy…
… though knowing i think he would have told us to get the f*** over the fact that he died no?

Agreed aha :slight_smile:

I think a thread about Carlin should be exempt from the swearing ban.

" All the king’s horses and all the kings men, couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Because there is no Humpty Dumpty , and there is no god. " - Carlin

That vid Terry posted ^ is one of my favorite Carlin things.

The Humpty Dumpty line is the most powerful point in the clip IMHO. No one laughs, because you realize that you are Humpty Dumpty, or you just don’t get it… Either way it’s not funny, but it’s ok because Carlin was much more then a comic. He was a masterful public philosopher. The unspoken truth is "why do you care about the power of all the kings horses and men ? (society and all it is) ", once you fall off the wall, they aren’t going to put you back together again. It doesn’t matter what these people think about god, or what you thought about god. They will go about their business. Because there is no Humpty Dumpty (you after death) , and there is no god. He is actually explaining your death to you. Publicly, he not only states that religion is BS, he shows you what he sees as an alternative, wrapping it in the comfort a a child’s tale.

IMHO he used excessive profanity as a way to allow weak brained critics an easy target. He got amazingly few takers, no one actually, that I am aware of, that wanted to debate Carlin publicly on the intellectual validity of religion. The Pope would have a better time fighting Mike Tyson, than debating Carlin.

But he gave everyone an out. He was to foul mouthed to be taken seriously by the pious ! LOL !:slight_smile:

It is sad to see the greats go, cause we know now we ain’t never gonna see em again. Mitch Hedburg was funnier, but it was like he always had his hair in his eyes. He would start talking about a frog, and you would just go on listening because he was funny.

Carlin was much harsher and darker. A great deal of his “comic punch” was philosophical. I can’t think of anyone to compare him to directly.

He was once a fan of Lenny Bruce, and when Bruce was arrested at a show, Carlin managed to mouth off to the cops and end up in jail with Bruce. I appreciate an artist who is willing to go the extra step to further their education.:slight_smile:

So there goes George Carlin. Loved by must, understood by some, and hated by few.

He said more outrageous shit in public then anyone else. Or at least anyone else of his respect and stature. A high water mark really. RIP

Actually, the first time I heard that I almost pissed myself. Most people are just too afraid to laugh at jokes that poke fun of God in public. I certainly don’t out myself as an agnostic in public (unless it’s an anonymous forum), it’s too dangerous physically and for my career(s).

I’m trying to get used to a world that may just not have anymore hypothetical questions.

The only name I’d mention in the same company is Bill Hicks.
Even harsher, even darker.

How 'bout bill maher? No way!! Bill wishes he could be as tackful…unless he likes to be an a**h*le.
bill is below the water mark…

miss you Carlin

you’re a minister?

I can’t believe this has not been posted in the “Christian Unicycle Thread”.
Edit- Does anyone know whats up with his wearing all black while he does comedy?

Teacher and park kid’s activities coordinator in the summer. You can be fired from any job for being an Atheist, it’s not protected. I don’t need uppity parents trying to get me fired so I keep it hidden. (Not that I’d talk to my kids about it anyway, but I hide it from coworkers too.)

I think this is why a lot of people are so vehemently and vocally atheist on the internet. They have to hide it in their everyday lives so when they have a chance to be anonymous it just sprays out of them.