RIP Amy Winehouse

Found dead at 27.

Shocked but not surprised. Is there a word for that?


I loved Amy and her music.

I’m sad.:frowning:

Well I know schadenfreude is a german word that describes a feeling of joy from seeing other’s dismay.

Thats as close as I can come.

Did you learn that from the Simpsons?

Sick of hearing how she was the most talented singer of a generation etc. How many albums was that? And how many cancelled concerts? Sorry a young person died, but what’s happened in Norway is far worse.

Start your own damn thread about Norway and the Islamophobic killer. The killer was a so-called christian who motivated by his fear of Islam.:stuck_out_tongue:

Winehouse was first page on the online news site I frequent.

I only found out about the Norway tragedy after clicking through several links.

i sometimes don’t understand things.

Famous people matter more. Who cares if some people died in Norway. Or so the media says. Everything I saw on the news today was either about a dead Amy, or somebody that killed Michael Jackson… I feel like there had to be more happening in the world… oh wait there was…

Same here. I don’t want to patronize, but… time to find a new news site? As sad as it is when someone utterly destroys themselves - it just doesn’t compare.

86 people, mostly youths, shot dead at Utøya. 7 killed as government buildings blasted to shreds in Oslo. 96 people injured, several of them are still fighting for their lives.

Greetings from Norway.

Fair enough the Norway stuff is far worse, but that does’nt mean people can’t post a thread in her memory for people to discuss.

Post about Norway in the Norway thread…

My views on Amy is that she is a idiot, but she brought something new to music, she was herself which is more than can be said for Cher Lloyds swagger jagger bullshit as well as countless others. She took what she liked and made it cool, it would have been far too easy for her to settle as a jazz inger accepting she’d never make it but she pushed until she was at the top of her game, which proves she wasn’t the smack addict the papers made her out to be.

Its a shame, after watching her Belgrade disastrous performance just a few days ago on youtube, where you could see she was struggling with herself and clearly ill, it seems a shame that someones fail to help her through it. Wether it be family, friends or others.


Now who will my daughters have as a role model? I guess they’ll have to learn self-destructive addictive behavior from someone else. :frowning:

A drug addict died - the same happens to thousands more each year. Instead of all this sycophantic guff about her “talent” from the same sources that revelled in publishing pictures and video of her in a serious state of addiction, could we have some discussion in the popular media about the underlying issues and how we might reduce harm encountered by drug users?


RIP Amy. My wife was very sad to hear it, because it’s sad when someone loses their battle with addiction. At this point, I think we’re all assuming her death was addiction-related. If it wasn’t, she was still at great risk from it.

Wait. So if you get really good at something you can’t be a smack addict at the same time? I must have totally missed that class at reality school… :frowning:

So true. Similar to the Michael Jackson case, in that Amy was probably surrounded by people who were perhaps more concerned about what Amy could do for them than about what she actually needed. In Michael’s case, he insisted on taking that dangrous medication to sleep, and the odds eventually caught up to him. In the end, the main person responsible for MJ’s death was probably MJ. In Amy’s case, we’re only guessing at the moment.

Just turn on the TV. If one doesn’t appear within a few minutes, turn to the E channel and it won’t be long.

Yes, but few people will watch it. It’s too serious/sad, and not scandalous enough.

Many great artists and creators throughout history seem to have been people who suffered with various types of struggles. Starving artists. Addicts. People with various levels of mental illness, autism/Asbergers, etc. For many of these people, life is hard. My wife likes to watch shows like Intervention and Celebrity Rehab. It’s depressing, but you learn a lot about how addiction affects people, and how hard it can be to climb out of the trap before you’re dead. So many people don’t seem to make it. Amy didn’t make it. Lindsay Lohan seems to still be struggling.

I finish with an image of Amy Winehouse, as interpreted by a Freestyle competitor at Unicon XIV. I don’t know her name, but I think she’s from Germany. Her performance was well done, and funny then; not so much at this point…

Oh, it’s happened before, it’ll happen again.

Also fair enough. It’s her thread, though it’s only natural that the issue pop up once we’re discussing news.

Another can of worms. Isn’t he (he’s still among the living) a “real” christian? Would you say that Al-Qaida are “so-called” muslims? Evidence so far indicates he’s a christian, although more twisted than most. (I’ll try to leave the subject now, kindly let me know if a new thread is started on related topics.)

John foss, I think that came out wrong, I meant that the papers only publish what will sell. Publishing that her music was changing modern music and the way artists were allowed to be themselves wouldn’t sell papers. Publishing that she was a raving smack head caught everyones attention.

She was a druggie, and I hate drug users / addicts and what it does to a perfectly normal life is awefull. (you know the ones… the old friends from school who smoke weed everyday and slowly loose touch with reality) but Amy did atleast achieve something, she was strong enough to make herself heard and known and make it in a music industry full of shallow idiots, shows how hard her addiction must have been to over come. ( or perhaps she didn’t want to over come it…) either way its a great shame that someone wiht so much potential has left us.

I’d like to think it would shock a few addicts out of their dark doped up rooms as their role model who perhaps gave them a scape goat has just died. But theres always pete doherty… Someone who hasn’t brought anything to music really apart from a mainstream smack head advertising drugs.

Rant over… sorry guys! aaha

Hate the game, not the player. Addiction’s an illness - one exacerbated by orthodox policy towards drug legislation and education.

A Voice of reason.

I agree that addiction is an illness.

But blaming legislation and education is like an addict blaming the drugs for his behavior. There are plenty of organizations available for people to help themselves.

No amount of legislation will keep an addict in rehab if he doesn’t want help. No amount of education will keep an addict off drugs if he doesn’t have support. Society must be that support net, not the government.

Looking to legislators for help is what turns countries into nanny states.