Riley Crosby pole vault 2010

this is what i do with all of my time when im not unicycling. hope you like it!


Nice clip. What was the bar height? What’s your best this year?

I still can’t get your unicycle to hop as high for me. What’s up with that?

You should get a giraffe uni and run it down the track holding it like a pole vault pole. Plant the wheel in the box. Jump up and… I’m not sure what happens after that. The concept up to that point though seems sound. Get it on video. Could evolve to a new giraffe mounting technique.

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i don’t know anything about pole vaulting, but you look pretty good. looks like you got up pretty damn high.

reprah- which unicycle do you have? :wink: I jumped 16’ yesterday and i had to stop because the standards wouldnt go any higher :angry:

jonh- haha i dont know how that could work… but if i can get a giraffe ill definitely try it

DSchmitty- thanks haha

That was beastly! I always wanted to try polevaulting… Editing was mint too.