Riley Crosby- A Uni Life (Documentary)

Awesome! Can’t wait for your next vid :astonished: !

Lol I’m just messing around.

Your smile is nice too, don’t worry.

i hope you don’t mind but i put this video on my ipod

I’m sure they will mind since you didn’t ask first

i mind… :angry:
just kiddin…
it actually makes me feel cool to be on ipods.

I suggest uploading to vimeo. Just to see if quality isn’t any better. Quality is amazing as it is though.:stuck_out_tongue:

Wow! Really great all around, and I love that awesome trials course you have…I’m assuming that’s in your backyard? Well done!:smiley:

What was the second song? (when you started to dance)

Ghostwriter (remix) by RJD2

both of the songs are by RJD2

probably isnt done processing. but there you go all you vimeo lovers.:stuck_out_tongue:

This was really great, thanks for putting it together!


Does anybody know where I can get some of those wire cable spools. I’ve wanted some for a while now.

i find mine at big contruction sites. but be carefull cause you could get in trouble if you take them without permission. I usually find them in dumpsters.

This was an awesome video man. Really well done! :slight_smile: