Right to bear arms

I have to do a huge research paper for my english class on a controversial issue. I chose The Right to Bear Arms, the second amenment of the constitution. This is the second amenment:

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

There is a lot of controversy over whether civilians should be able to own guns. I need some good arguments for my paper going either way. Don’t worry, I’ll quote you if I use your words :slight_smile:

Check out the Black Panthers.

Guns don’t kill people, death kills people.

I give this thread less than a page before it gets threadjacked to a guns vs. no guns debate for the next three months.

And that’s being conservative.

Stop talking about the thread dying, talk about the right to bear arms!!!

I have the right to bear arms. Two of them. A left and right. But I mostly use the right. I only keep the left around for a) balancing while uniing and b) to look symmetrical.

The fact that this thread is about the right to bear arms is what will kill it. So obviously the right to bare arms kills things.

Moral of the story: don’t wear t-shirts.

Unless you are a seriously hott chick and the t-shirt is wet.

:smiley: Me like that :smiley:

Like, these bear arms?


How is that better than not wearing a shirt if you are a seriously hott chick?

That’s what I’m wondering. I think Sam’s gay or something.

I meant “don’t wear t-shirts in favor of long sleeved shirts”. Not “Don’t wear anything on your torso”.

I still like Nick’s idea better.

For the love of god! How did a discussion about the 2nd amenment become T-shirt debate?!

It didn’t become a t-shirt debate…it started that way. There was never any discussion of the 2nd amendment. :stuck_out_tongue:

Because Nick can’t spell. :smiley:


Supreme Court Cases

Pro/Anti gun control arguments.

Just a fair warning, I haven’t read either of those, so I dunno how good they are…I just googled some stuff to try and help.

Good luck.