Nothing comes between me and my unicycling, and somethin is right at this very moment! RUGBY! my mum and dad are watching the rubgy and won’t take me to my unicycle club until it’s finished
grrr i think people take rugby and fottball too seriously now i now a lot of people are gonna totally disagree with my thread but i just wanted to put my point across.
now if it was ‘unicycle’ rugby that would be a totally different matter…
Agree entirely… I appear to be the only person in the office who isn’t an avid rugby fan. Monday mornings are hell!
Currently the fact that it’s chucking it down is coming between me and a wheel. This is actually the first saturday on which it has rained since I’ve been in Yeovil, at the beginning of September… so what on earth am I meant to do now?!
Go and trip the fuse box or something, that’ll get them away from the telly…
But you have to admit that soccer rocks and is the coolest sport ever besides unicycling. And if you started liking soccer or rugby then you wouldn’t have to worry about being mad about anyone watching it.