Riduclous preachy PM from dondi

Is anyone else getting preachy PMs from dondi?

How does someone respond to that?

Does she not realize that such messages are exactly why people don’t like organized religion and move as far away from church and religion as possible. The thing that take people from being atheist to antitheists.

Oh well. I guess this what the ignore list is for.

Lol, nope. That’s quite random.

I don’t even know who that is. Sounds like a troll.

She’s not exactly a troll. Her posts in RSU seem legit, but all of her posts in JC are about JC or that gays are evil.

Skimmed through his/her posts and (s)he seems normal enough, just maybe a bit over the top in the unicycle for christ thread a while back.

So no I doubt (s)he is a troll. Maybe you posted something that offended him/her? Unless (s)he has a specific complaint I would just ignore it.

I haven’t gotten any…

I’m exempt.:stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t gotten any.

Even though I practice witchcraft and set plauges on heterosexuals.


Hmmm… I skimmed through her posts.
She seems like a typical homophobic “my god is the only god” type.

She hasn’t made any ridiculously offensive comments or anything.
I just like to smile and move on. :slight_smile:

I called dondi out after she changed her user name from florida and got a PM with a subject line “a$$hole” and the text read “u r a”.

The stupid is strong with this one.

Hey maestro, I just stumbled on the RTL who’s who thread and got reminded you were on team flirt. I am right in guessing you guys were responsible for the big POOP on the back of our van :smiley: I really hope there will be similar races in the future.

And Jackie is that why I have been sick lately? Your plague feels sort of like a head-cold.

I get PMd like that all the time from several atheists here who shall remain unnamed.

Is that the thing that takes people from being atheist to anti-atheists?

The fact that she used a " :thinking: " in her PM made me lol.

It makes me wonder if (s)he knows what (s)he is talking about.

I claim full responsibility for that… none of the other Flirts would’ve ever done such a thing…

…that is, retaliate against the wrong people. I was given shady intel that your team was responsible for "FART"ing on our van.

I must say, RTL wouldn’t have been nearly as fun without the stunts, pranks, parties, booze, fireworks, girls, booze and fireworks. I can only imagine how wild UNICON must get!

Edit: And Cowboy Mama!


The “P” in PM stands for private. It is unfair to publicise it. Put the offending poster on your ignore list. Alternatively, if you are harrassed, bring it to the moderators’ attention.

If it is someone after attention, you have now given them attention, and encouraged them to do it again.

Oh the ignorance! Oh the brainwash!

My hypothesis is that he is actually a gay who is trying to hide from himself.