riding sif

yeah i dont think this is the right place
but can my seat touch my legs and if not
what are some helpful hints
for riding sif

(i searched and onyl foudn threads sayign what sif was)


Post this in RSU. Your saddle may touch your legs for SIF riding. The easy way to learn is to pull the seat out but push it against on of your thighs. As you become comfortable, move it further away.

yeah i was going to post it there but everyone gets mad
thanks very much for the help though

Everyone is already mad. This is just the way things are. One must be completely mad in order to ride a unicycle. Join the madness! Surf on over to RSU!

yeah i posted it there

no replys

They didn’t reply there because it’s already over here with replies.

this says it all really. So no need to add more. Unless you have more to ask really. Really depends if your learning SIF simply for jumping SIF or if its for freestyle/street/flatland tricks