Riding Music

What do you guys listen to when you ride/practice?

I’ve been jammin out to Say Anything’s “…Is A Boy” and “…Was A Boy”

Along with New Found Glory’s “Catalyst”

…For like the past month!

Is this a common thing to do? Is this why every unicycling video has music added – they are trying to match the art to the experience?

I’ve never once listened to music while riding.

I thought it was. Most runners listen to music while they run.
I listen to music almost all the time while I ride, unless I need to listen for cars behind me or if I just want to enjoy the nature around me.

But yeah, most of the time, I listen to music.

And people put music on vids so you don’t just have to hear the grunts of the person, the wind in the mic, and other noise. And I guess a little of “matching art to the experience.”

I’ll just continue to mess up, er, I mean contribute to this thread as the lone advocate of silence. Others will be along shortly.

My favorite band is Rush. Their music is sometimes called “math rock” because of all the odd time signatures. Their song Jacob’s Ladder has alternating measures of 5/4 and 6/4. I think that extra beat would make me fall.

[edit: and later, alternating 6/8 and 7/8 – I have all I can do to just follow along intelligently without outside distraction]


I love music, but I won’t be listening to any kind of music it while riding.

Silence is best… and natural sounds in the outdoors.

The breeze, the birds, an ocaissional car horn (what if the horn is intended for YOU?), “hello” with passersby, … and most of all… silence!

dude RUSH goes with anything

I never listen to music when riding MUni; it would totally ruin the experience of being in nature, and make it difficult to focus on the more technical riding requirements. But I do take my ipod on 36er [road] rides, and I listen mostly to talk radio segments from the day before, and when those are over I listen to music. It also gets extremely boring listening to the same music/genre, so I mix it up a lot now, with classical, jazz, classic rock. With a few exceptions, I really don’t care for most “music” made after the early 1970’s.

Okay, now I want to join your fan club!

And your fan club, too!

Rush has been my all-time favorite band for the last 30 years. When I discovered Rush back in high school, Moving Pictures was the “new” album. But I’m not old. No I’m not.

I’m surprised how many people are on the side of silence. I thought I’d be the only one. There have been other threads about riding music. And they didn’t go like this one. Was it something I said?

I have been to 25 rush conserts i am only 16 :slight_smile: i have a rush sticker on my freestyle and my truck and helmet. they are the best ever! they got music for everyone :slight_smile:

I listen to music that fits my ridingstyle. Mostly rock and hiphop :smiley:

RUSH is the answer. Nothing else

Bach to Boston. That about covers it. :sunglasses:

I’m guessing you like Rush then.:smiley:

for flat/freestyle i always listen to reggae and rap.

for street i listen to dubstep, faster hip hop or metal

for muni (which i rarely do anymore because of lack of good places to do it around here) i listen to metal.

just a wee bit :smiley:

Subdivisions is a good track for 29"ering;)

“The trees” for MUni

i like tom sawer for urban assault

Rebecca Black mostly…

…In all seriousness i only listen to music when i’m practising out front of my house. When i go for long rides i like to listen out for people/cars/the nature :slight_smile:

Is that because it’s Friday? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t really like to listen to music while I ride because I’d rather hear my surroundings than music, however I love 60’s and 70’s. Particularly Jimi Hendrix and The Doors.