riding for money anyone??

Whats the most you’ve ever been paid to ride? shows, acts, tv, newpaper, ect

12.75 per hour. And I got to rest for 30 min of that hour, so basically 12.75 per 1/2 hour lol. It was at an amuzment park, I just road around jumping on there stuff and gettin paid lol.

i got $60 for a day to just ride around and also busk like do some stand up stuff etc. it was awsome. Little kids were the funniest

im confused. do you mean stand up comedy or stand up unicycle tricks?

Stand-up comedy like stuff but kinda different being in a street setting.
As hard as i may try stand up unicycle tricks keep preventing me from learning them :frowning:

YUeah I busk I get around $20 an hour roughly >when they’re drunk >when they’re sober

never been paid yet. would be nice though. ive doen 5 shows, 7 newspapers, 2 t.v. appearances, one national magazine, my schools morning show, my schools yearbook, and i have another newspaper interview coming up. i just love appearances, but yea, extra money would be cool.

Since this is in JC I assume you mean money for riding something other than a unicycle. $0.

If I’m wrong and you do mean unicycle, last year our club got $700 to do a parade and two 1/2 hour shows at a community celebration (the parade was acutally gratis). We did have some overhead come out of that number. If the club is show ready and we can find a paying gig we can get between $50 and $350 for a 1/2 hour show. A lot depends on their budget.


…for six hours :o

Needless to say I didn’t really do it for the money.


Never been paid…

Never paid, but I have 3 Cycling Jerseys to represent different companies in Fund Raising events I have been involved with. Coca Cola, Headblade, and Unicycle.Com :slight_smile:

My personal record is $1200 (1995) for less than 15 minutes’ stage time, plus hotel. It was a nice hotel, for 3 nights I think. Of course this was in Bali, Indonesia and took up 5-6 days of my time to get there and back, but of course included the opportunity to see a bit of Bali!

My record for a photograph of unicycling is winning a trip to Cozumel, 6 nights in an all-inclusive resort there and $5000. Thanks Kodak EasyShare Gallery! That was their 2005 “Share Your Summer Shots” photo contest. Here’s the photo:

The above does not equal the amount I’ve spent on unicycle photography…

I was paid $500 plus 4 hotel nights to do what ended up as about 5 hours of trials demo’s and riding around over a period of 4 days at the MT State Fair this summer.

That didn’t count any time setting obstacles up, etc. but I really only rode for a total of about 5 hours.

A friend of mine and I did a show at an old folks home and we got $75 for half an hour. Granted, that was more juggling than unicycling. He called me to help because he was desparate for material. haha

Never been paid.

maybe I’ll get some money if those skaters who filmed me for their video make it big… :slight_smile:

Ive got trips to ride at different citys for the Brazilian motortrial championship doing presentions. As the organizer of the championship says hell probably take me to the world championship next year in sao paulo. and maybe to the latin american championship in guatemala!!