Ride the Lobster - alternate riders?

My friend and non-forum-member unicyclist, Mark Premo, up in Vermont, spoke with the director Edward Wedler. He’s under the impression that we can have teams of four riders, with the proviso that only three may ride per day.

Anybody else hear this? The website doesn’t mention this, though it does say that a four NON-RIDING team member is required for a support role.

I havent but email Andy Cotter or Connie Cotter 'bout it
thats ABCotter(at)gmail(dot)com or constance(dot)cotter(at)gmail(dot)com

Here it is taken from the website:
A team consists of 3 riders and 1 support person (who is not allowed to ride). Each team is in charge of their own support and the support person is considered a full team member.

Check out the Rider FAQ at the website (look under Team Information)


Thanks, Andy. I read the entire FAQ and doubted the alternate rider rule.

I was just double-checking since Mark said he’d talked to Edward Wedler and thought that’s what he’d understood.