we can do this the long way or we can do this the short way
i’m in a medium kinda mood today
so there we were, 2 against 2000, on a strangely stormy southern summer afternoon
aimlessly exchanging emails and not caring much for the wicked world when suddenly she says something about ‘rhymes with unicycle’ (the context escapes me - i’m sure she’ll remind me) and the only thing i can think of is ‘what a kewl thread for JC’
yes, these fora can invade your life, they can crawl under your skin and come out to haunt u at the most inopportune moments
which reminds me, i saw the other day that the guys from the band Creed have ditched the singer and have started a new band with a new singer -anybody know the whole story (yeah, u guessed it, i’m too lazy to google)
and the reason i’m starting this thread is to try n find all the words that rhyme with ‘Unicycle’