Revenge Of The Sith:



i’m off to se it in an hour!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 1:15 am Post subject:

im probobly going to get shelled here but i was disapointed in almost everything except the emporor scenes and anikin’s lonlyness scenes.

Whokee’s doing the tarzan yell and R2-D2 having more tools than a swiss army knife were over the edge lame.

the Qui-Gon connection at the end was totaly bogus.

General Grievois was a let down.

and did i hear Darth Vader scream NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! like every other candy ass anti-hero? im sorry but Darth Vader does not scream NOOOOOOOOOOO! .ever!

dare i say there was to much “light Saber” ever heard of the law of deminishing returns George?

i found a review that mirriors my thoughts.

I have not seen it yet and probably won’t for a few weeks (b/c being elbow to elbow with Star-Wars geeks creeps me out) but the tarzan yell while I am sure it will annoy me was probably thrown in as a playback to Return of the Jedi when Chewie does it during the Ewok/Storm Trooper battle.

yep, and its even cheezier this time.

Jay Leno had a good line last night.

If you didn’t see Revenge of the Fourth and Revenge of the Fifth, you may not be able to follow what’s going on in Revenge of the Sith.

Spoiler :frowning:

I thought it was good, but i was definatly pissed about vader…and the “NO” thing. and hoe he stood with his arms back, at that time, i just cracked up laughing. the best thing about the movie was how the clones uturned on the jedi to kill them. BUT…they are jedi the only jedi that sensed anything was yoda…if your considered a master you should sense the clones about to kill you. OH MAN…that kid scene was brutal. but finally…bitch padme got what was commin to her.

It was deffinatly quite cheesy at points and even some bits i ended up laughing even though i shouldnt have :slight_smile:

Overall it was a good movie, Id actually forgot about princess lea, how come shes a princes anyway? And how could the jedi not detect emporer palpatine?

Darth Vader doing the nooo part was maybe slightly over the top but only to the point of him standing wierdly and shouting no.


They sensed palpatine as being slightly evil. ever since anakin brought him back the whole counsel was on to him. you can tell he was sidious from the very beinging. well…i mean…its obvious if you seen all of them, if not…then…i dont mean to ruin things. hah. but me and my brother had a long in depth convo about the movie after we went to see it, and all those questions. i laughed quite a bit myself. and it seemed that all the love scenes were just put in there to kill time. the love scenes never made sence to me…also because lucas cant write love scenes…its horrible. haha. i also think overall the movie was the best of the 3. indeed.

I want to know what video editing program they used :slight_smile: the start scene is great with all those ships. I have a old star wars game called star wars rebellion its so funny to play.


I’m going to see it soon, AGAINST MY WILL

Would you recommend seeing II before III?

I haven’t seen II yet.:frowning:

Well leigh hadnt seen second one and didnt really understand what happens in star wars and think she enjoyed it, Its probably a good idea to watch it to know exactly whats going on.



Didn’t anyone notice the ultra cool MONOCYCLE that General Grievous was driving as he tried to get away from Obi-Wan?

Obviously, it was not pedal-driven like a true monocycle, but, still, it was a one-wheeled vehicle.

My inner unicycle radar picked up on it–the fact that General Grievous actually rode it made me a bit sympathetic towards him.

As for the film itself, I quite liked it. It had some flaws, but I did get a bit of a chill when Vader began breathing. Nice.

The Vader “NOOOOOOO” didn’t bother me at all because of one specific reason: I won’t spoil the ending, and all I’ll say is that to those of you who saw the film, you know the reason why he shouts “NNOOOOO”–I thought his response was appropriate, even for Darth Vader, and in fact, one could argue that Aniken’s transformation into Darth Vader only becomes complete once he hears the sentence that makes him shout NOOOOO. After that NOOOOO, you just know he will never shout NNOOOOOO again because when he is finished shouting it, the transformation is then complete and he is the Darth Vader we all know and love, the kind of guy who will never shout NNOOOOO.

OUCH!! I just realized that a bunch of you DID see the cool monocycle. There is a whole thread dedicated to it right here in the JC forum. DUMMY-Me…


yes but its worthy of a cross post, that machine was totaly awesome!

I saw it last night, and it was… okay. I think the reason I like the old ones much better is because they didn’t have nearly as much computer animation, all the aliens and whatever where actual people in costume or they were robots or something, not cartoons.

What I personally thought was great was that the whole thing was really slick and stylish, with state of the art special effects and that polished look of modern big budget films - but then right at the end, to blend into the original 3, all the people on the not quite star destroyer were all wearing fetching 70’s style sci-fi evil henchman uniforms. Fantastic.

And R2-D2 is fantastic in all of the films, even if he is a high-tech swiss army knife. That’s half the fun. And his acting and dialogue was better than most of the cast.
