
I am retiring from the forums. I will still be reading, but not posting. I’ve been extremely busy lately, and I have a feeling I will be for a long time.
Be on the look out though, I might say hello now and then.

cya, good luck with your endevours (sp?)


'later. I’ll miss you…:frowning:

I have never understood why people had to “retire” or “take a break” from the forums. If you are busy, then be busy and don’t worry about. Post whenever you feel like it. There’s no one saying you have to be on the forums.

And what’s the difference between veiwing and posting?


Good luck with your bussiness. :slight_smile:

I say you have to be on the forums, so you are wrong forrest.
Just kidding but good luck with whatever you are doing.

Hey, Forrest, I think I’m gonna quit the forums…I’m too busy…

I hope whatever you’re doing works out for you Dan…come back soon.


I won’t be reading that much, but just reading more than I post.

I’ll miss you, my old-man friend. :frowning:

thats what happens to old guys man… hope life goes well!


It prolly takes MORE time to read all this stuff.

Do what I do. Don’t bother to read it, just post!! :smiley:

We’ll miss you.


I do that most of the time. :stuck_out_tongue:
Well right now its the weekend and I am bored for a first so I am posting.

But then who will keep the juggling thread busy, we need your leadership.

Me and forrest can keep it busy.