I guess that as an older fart, I have to try harder to get a thread on here. I spent an absolute age last night telling all my life story and when I pressed the submit thing, I lost the lot. Typical me trick that is though, I sometimes wonder why I bother, but there again, this entire forum is loaded with info for me and I cannot look away.
Briefly then, about twenty years ago I was a keen Unicycler, along with a couple of other guys we would broomstick handle joust, wack each other around the noggin with those large drink bottles with the black bottom bit removed, simply to try and unseat each other. We were younger back then though, in our mid-forties I suppose. Recently I acquired another Uni', the seat post is too short I found, but that is almost fixed up right now, but I have re-learnt the art, albeit cramped up like Quasimodo with the seat too low. I do not suppose tricks are for me the wrong side of 65 years old, but it is still brilliant fun and keeps you fit of course.
Nice to be on here and a member of the community… !
Where about are you based. There are quite a few riders around Cambridge. There isn’t anything regularly going on since we had to stop the hockey but occasionally rides do get arranged.
Right on the furthest point of Anglia to the continent bar a couple of short miles. I have never gone in for distance stuff because of the road conditions around here, or pavements for that matter. Parks are a mute point as far as dog owners are concerned, the mutts chase me whenever I have indulged myself there, no, alas it is purely a self indulgent session on a vacant carpark i.e after the leisure centre closes for the night but the lights stay on, or a couple of large trade parks when it all goes quiet. I have access to a few farms where large hardstanding areas are usable, unless the harvest is in, then it is dangerous.
Undaunted, the intrepid hero chafes his thighs whenever he gets the chance. Much improvement since the seat post was changed though.
n.b. What is it with this random question thing, I keep writing answers, or copying etc but it drives me crazy with the inanity of the thing…
The random question thingy is an annoying answer to the Achilles Heel of this type of forum, the spambot. Before the question, there were multiple threads a day trying to sell fake ray-bans and just about every other scam under the sun.
The normal way to solve a spambot problem would be a captcha. Unfortunately captchas can be defeated allowing the bot to access and flog fake/scam de jour. The random question is probably a Honeypot. There is likely a captcha which is hidden from user view. When the spambot completes the random question with the answer to the captcha, that user is rejected as a bot while a human user simply answers the question in the box’s description text.
The random question will go away after the site has deemed you have passed your ‘probation’ period.