Results of "I post polls because.."

[THREAD=49093]Results from an important poll.[/THREAD]

63 total responses from an unknown number of people.

I am indecisive and can’t make up my mind about anything: 16 responses or 66.67%

I just found out how and I think it’s cool: 9 responses or 37.5%

I’m bored and I can: 16 responses or 66.67%

I thought it was “pole” and I was posting a flyer on it: 9 responses or 37.5%

I’m helpless and need hundreds of people to tell me what to do: 13 responses or 54.7%

I allowed multiple answers so the percentage total is greater than 100%. My conclusion from this poll is that polls are functionless and serve no purpose here. This supports my premise. My recommendation is that we stop making polls. We may simultaneously stop making idiots out of ourselves. Things to ponder. Have you seen the results of any other polls analyzed?

[THREAD=49212]You will.[/THREAD] Have you voted?

Thanks for making that clear.

Where do they serve a purpose?

Is any baking done there?

Duly noted.

Not to suggest that I know you better than you know yourself, but you don’t really believe that, do you?

I’m on it.


Thanks Greg. Your determination is admirable and your presentation extremely diverting.

Not for a second.

If we’re shooting for that, we should probably stop riding one wheeled bikes :wink:

You can’t use this as evidence. This poll was useless because we were not given the option that we find polls informative. Thus your poll is very biased, and thus is not credible. If you make another poll, and the results are in your favor, I will have to agree with you.

I thought those results deserved to be made more accessible, so i took it upon myself to do this. I’ve tried treat the subject the same way mainstream media would.

Unicyclists in need of support

New scientific research shows that the majority of unicyclists are insecure, and largely unable to make decisions without the support their community.

A recent survey, conducted by Gregory Harper of University of Washington, came out with shocking results.
The results indicates that two thirds of all unicyclists have problems with simple decision-making. More than half of them describe themselves as downright helpless.
There can be little doubt that this affects unicyclists’ ability to succeed, both professionally and personally.
Harpers research does not offer any clues about why unicyclists are particularly prone to this personality disorder, nor what can be done to help them cope with their lives.
Even so, Harper - who is, himself, a unicyclist- is cautiously optimistic. “We may […] stop making idiots out of ourselves”, Harper says, and continues, perhaps hoping others will validate his research “Have you seen the results of any other polls analyzed?”.

Excellent. Very thorough. This analysis leaves little room for argument. I think so, anyway. I’m not sure. Let me ask someone else.

I agree, I think we need a new “I post polls because” poll.

Oh, that would help. Over the last couple of days I checked and on one day there were no polls posted on the first page of either RSU or JC. What a thrill. OK. Back to nonsense polls. That was fun.


Harper, how does it look to use a poll to “prove” that polls (on these forums) are useless? Are we supposed to look at the results and be convinced of something? :slight_smile:

Clearly, yes.

I thought this campain was dead! :angry:

Edit: I just clicked all the options so your results are wrong! :roll_eyes:

Man, that is possibly the worst trick ever. Hahahaha.

yeah :wink:
And this could be the worst thread ever I dunno? :thinking: