Research paper

For my WRT 102 class in college I have to research a group a write a paper about them. Since I unicycle and I decided to write it on extreme unicyclers and the history of mountian unicycling. For a section on the paper though I have to have an interview with a member of the group and my problem is is there aren’t any unicyclers around here so, I was wondering if a couple of you wouldn’t mind me interviewing you :smiley:

You could interview me. =p

I cant help with the history all to well, but others will chime in here soon with that. As a trials rider in Spokane, I can cover the extreme part though.

im game. im not great, i guess i can give a point of view along the lines of, someone not great looking up to alot of the riders in here as kinds o friding role models

I could help with the history part. It’ll be in issue 4 of Uni Magazine but I haven’t done my own interviews yet. However I know enough for a school paper, just don’t make me write it for you. :slight_smile: My email address is below.

Thank for the speedy reply guys,

Even if you’ don’t know the history that well that’s fine, I’ll get back to you guys once I’m exactly sure how it’s going to work. My teacher is really confusing on exactly what he wants when it comes down to it. All I’m sure of as of yet is that this essay is our biggest paper yet and I better do a good job if I want to pass the class haha

Thanks a lot, I just wanted to see if anyone was willing to be interviewed because I would of been forced to pick a new topic :frowning:

I’ll be checking back on this thread a lot, or you can send me PMs or e-mail at

same goes for me, my email adress is

Hey guys, sorry for taking to so long to reply, but my week has been a bit hectic. If you guys still wanna be interviewed, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind doing it over AOL Instant messenger because it need to be more like conversation than I think over email would allow.

once again thanks for the help,

I’d be willing if any of the previous volunteers are unavailable:

AIM: Guitardude88

You can interview me aswell if you want another person.

I dont have AIM but my email/MSN is below.

Or you could just go to MR.

You can interview me if you want.

Or interview me or like Ivan said. Go to MR. :smiley: :smiley:

You can send me questions (and responses later) via email, or email for a phone number.

my aim is under my avatar, and im game still

Hey! You could interview me, I’ve only unicycled for a month, so I could be somebody that just learned, and is just realizing how much of an AMAZINGLY fun and extreme sport it is! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot guys, I don’t have MSN and AIM works the best for me, I’ll email just email everyone because I think that’ll work the best.
